Search found 14 matches

by rk
Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:28 am
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: Which pyton mysql module for python 2.43????
Replies: 1
Views: 5657

I'm using MySQL-python-1.2.1_p2.tar.gz
by rk
Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:19 am
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: =3d all over the html
Replies: 1
Views: 9232

that "3D" stuff was new to me too. If you're creating offline HTML e-mails, OpenEMM puts those "3D"s after almost every "=". I didn't found a lot about that. But in general it's something like "including 3D data in HTML or e-mails". I think, it's saying that t...
by rk
Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:10 am
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Mail not sending
Replies: 4
Views: 8260

look at

perhaps that gonna help.
by rk
Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:39 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Mailing only generate for test or admin users
Replies: 7
Views: 14626


u were right.
The problem was the missing python mysqldb module.

I'm really excited by this software. I'll try to give further feedbacks.

by rk
Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:33 am
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Mailing only generate for test or admin users
Replies: 7
Views: 14626

ok, in ...pickdist.log I got this error: [30.11.2006 16:01:48] 5115 INFO/main: Starting up [30.11.2006 16:01:49] 5115 FATAL/except: CAUGHT EXCEPTION: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/openemm/bin/scripts/", line 180, in ? if pd.scanForData () == 0: File "/home/...
by rk
Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:55 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Mailing only generate for test or admin users
Replies: 7
Views: 14626

I got the same problem. I was testing all the time with admin and test recipiens. Now I wanted to send the newsletter to the "real" recipiens and no mail is sent out.

Got someone any suggestions on this?

by rk
Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:23 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Embedded Images?
Replies: 7
Views: 14703

Hello, the problem was, that OpenEMM can't include images or other media files in the newsletter while using CSS as reference to the file. for example: #main { background: url([agnIMAGE name="bg.gif"]); } won't be included in the offline HTML version. But if you use something like <img src...
by rk
Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:01 am
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Embedded Images?
Replies: 7
Views: 14703

It seems, that CSS doesn't work for offline HTML. Also by integrating the CSS style in the corresponding HTML tags, the CSS style isn't shown before clicking on "show html content" or similar... I changed my template to a table layout and integrated the images via <img src...>. Now they're...
by rk
Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:54 am
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: Start OpenEMM on system boot
Replies: 4
Views: 11964

here's the script, if someone wants to use it: #! /bin/sh # # # System startup script for OpenEMM # openemmbin=/home/openemm/bin/ case "$1" in start) echo -n "Starting OpenEMM" su - openemm -c "$openemmbin start" ;; stop) su - openemm -c "$openemmbin stop...
by rk
Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:25 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Problems with Images
Replies: 13
Views: 26412

that's it!
damn... I forgot this config option.
by rk
Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:19 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Embedded Images?
Replies: 7
Views: 14703

Hi all, using this "Offline HTML" doesn't work for me. Here's my template: <html> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; font: small normal Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; text-align: center; background: #fff top repeat-x; } #root { width: 632px; margin...
by rk
Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:45 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Problems with Images
Replies: 13
Views: 26412

no answer? no idea?
by rk
Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:37 am
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Problems with Images
Replies: 13
Views: 26412

Got the same problem.... I don't use the redirection to port 80 on my openemm installation. As I see, openemm rewrites the agnIMAGE tag to something like "http://hostname/image?ci=1&mi=4&name=image.gif" But I need this on port 8081... so that's the reason, my images doesn't appear....
by rk
Fri Nov 10, 2006 5:46 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: Start OpenEMM on system boot
Replies: 4
Views: 11964

Start OpenEMM on system boot

Hi folks,

OpenEMM is a really nice software. Up to now, the installation on my fresh opensuse 10.1 system was going fine.

I'm not the Linux crack, so I got some problems getting OpenEMM started on system boot.

could anybody give me a hint how to make this working?

thanks a lot
I appreciate it!