Search found 17 matches
- Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:14 am
- Forum: Using OpenEMM
- Topic: 4.4.5 Too many connections from your host.
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5447
4.4.5 Too many connections from your host.
Hi When I sent out our last newsletter I have seen from *-semu.log that I have a lot of softbounces like [22.08.2013 19:21:05] 3774 INFO/00003300000000C08: Softbounce 421: #4.4.5 Too many connections from your host. This is because our relay host (ironport) is set to accept only a certain number of ...
- Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:03 am
- Forum: Bugs, bug fixes & releases
- Topic: multiple sendmail-enable entries in config_tbl
- Replies: 2
- Views: 9373
Re: multiple sendmail-enable entries in config_tbl
Thanks a lot for the quick answer.
- Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:57 am
- Forum: Bugs, bug fixes & releases
- Topic: multiple sendmail-enable entries in config_tbl
- Replies: 2
- Views: 9373
multiple sendmail-enable entries in config_tbl
Hi. I had an issue with our OpenEMM sending emails by MX record instead of the configured Smart Relay ($HOME/conf/smart_relay). So I reconfigured it using the follwoing commands: openemm@annaka.ins: ./bin/ stop Checked the file ./conf/smart_relay It holds the correct SMTP relay without use...
- Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:47 am
- Forum: Development
- Topic: FCK replacement by CK
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5501
FCK replacement by CK
Hi, happy new year to everybody I am very curious about the upcoming release of OpenEMM 2013. THere seems to be a lot of work done. Great job ! But I must say, I am a little bit disappointed that FCK Editor replacement has been postponed to OpenEMM 2014. The current editor really is not a highlight ...
- Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:32 pm
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Update CKeditor to newest version
- Replies: 7
- Views: 26401
Re: Update CKeditor to newest version
It is not only about features, but to name some of them: - Better Font selection (Style, Format, Type-Face , ...) - Printing Support - Switching from HTML to HTML-Code in the editor itself - For sure a lot of bugs fixed - ... And it looks much more stylish (skins) than the current editor which someh...
- Thu May 31, 2012 10:37 pm
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Update CKeditor to newest version
- Replies: 7
- Views: 26401
Update CKeditor to newest version
Please update OpenEMM 2012 with CKeditor 3.6.3 (newest version) and drop the existing fckeditor (2.6.....).
CKeditor 3.6.3 seems to have much more features and the licensing model seems to work as well
with OpenSource projects.
CKeditor 3.6.3 seems to have much more features and the licensing model seems to work as well
with OpenSource projects.
- Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:07 pm
- Forum: Using OpenEMM
- Topic: en_doi_confirm does not send confirmation email
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3359
en_doi_confirm does not send confirmation email
Hi What I want to do is to give users a simple way to register for our mailing list (ID = 3). So I changed agnMAILINGLIST in "en_doi" to 3 (value ="3"). Then I call the link fill in the fields (Firstname,Lastname, e...
- Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:59 pm
- Forum: Installation & Upgrades
- Topic: Quick Upgrade Guide OpenEMM 6.2->2011 on Ubuntu 10.04LTS
- Replies: 3
- Views: 5209
Re: Quick Upgrade Guide OpenEMM 6.2->2011 on Ubuntu 10.04LTS
Why don't you read the OpenEMM Install Guide? It covers Ubuntu as well. I indeed dit but found the instructions there more an INSTALL guide than a migration guide. Or is there no real migration? Must I install a new instance and do all the customization I have done to 6.2 again for OpenEmm 2011? Re...
- Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:19 pm
- Forum: Installation & Upgrades
- Topic: Quick Upgrade Guide OpenEMM 6.2->2011 on Ubuntu 10.04LTS
- Replies: 3
- Views: 5209
Quick Upgrade Guide OpenEMM 6.2->2011 on Ubuntu 10.04LTS
Hi folks Does anyone have a quick upgrade guide such as the one for RedHat found in the "Readme.txt". I have an Ubuntu 10.04 system running OpenEMM 6.2 latest and want to upgrade it to OpenEmm 2011. - Java 6 is already installed on the system - OpenEmm 6.2 installed and running fine on por...
- Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:17 pm
- Forum: Miscellaneous
- Topic: VMware image for 6.1
- Replies: 1
- Views: 13099
VMware image for 6.1
Are there any plans for releasing an OpenEmm 6.1 VMWare Image ?
- Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:37 pm
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Full System XML Export
- Replies: 2
- Views: 19298
Full System XML Export
My plans are to set up a new OpenEmm 6.1 system when it is available. So my biggest concerns are how to migrate all the data to the new system. OK for Receipients it is easy but what is about the remaining data such as: - Mailings (incl. Templates) - Target-Groups - Actions - ... I am really missing...
- Mon May 03, 2010 1:53 pm
- Forum: Using OpenEMM
- Topic: Imported Duplicated Email Entries, How to Clean Up the DB?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7730
Even though I think you already solved your problem by now, maybe the following helps someone else. A possible solution is to delete all entries from the bad import(s) at first and to start all over again. Could be done by a simple MySQL query like this: delete from customer_1_tbl where creation_da...
- Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:46 pm
- Forum: Installation & Upgrades
- Topic: ERROR: Resource key "null" not found in default bu
- Replies: 6
- Views: 27617
- Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:06 pm
- Forum: Installation & Upgrades
- Topic: ERROR: Resource key "null" not found in default bu
- Replies: 6
- Views: 27617
- Thu May 28, 2009 8:59 am
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: Intelligent Distributed EMail Delivery
- Replies: 0
- Views: 6528
Intelligent Distributed EMail Delivery
If a mailing list has a lot of recipients for the same company (e.g. 10% of the recipients go to it can easily happen that the receiving email server switches into Paranoia-/Panic-Mode when he sees the same email coming in for 20,30, ... times and answers with "No such user...