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by interactivedesigner
Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:50 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: html newsletter link problems
Replies: 2
Views: 6163

html newsletter link problems

Hi Guys I noticed OpenEMM's dynamic querystring is: like /r?uid=1.3.7.z.u44np2208h When to my coding knowledge this would give a page error, which is exactly what it does in my current installation. if the directory 'r' does not exist. I imagine it should be something like: ?uid=1.3.7.z.u44np2208h. ...
by interactivedesigner
Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:40 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: html newsletter link problems
Replies: 2
Views: 6448

html newsletter link problems

Hi Guys I noticed OpenEMM's dynamic querystring is: like /r?uid=1.3.7.z.u44np2208h When to my coding knowledge this would give a page error, which is exactly what it does in my current installation. if the directory 'r' does not exist. I imagine it should be something like: ?uid=1.3.7.z.u44np2208h. ...