Hi again, and thanks once again for OpenEMM! Just wondering, when I do security updates on Debian I do apt-get update and I get told if they are available. What can I monitor, so I will know if there is a critical security update available for OpenEMM? Upgrading or patching OpenEmm by hand is not a ...
Hi, and thanks for making OpenEMM! I have been investigating a problem about not being able to send out emails while using the OpenEMM internal SMTP server. I finally traced the error to the package dnstools not being installed. This seems to be the case on minimal Debian installs, and is likely als...
Hi there! Thanks for the answer. The From: field to set the sender name is working just fine! What I couldn't figure out is how to have the recipient 's name in the To: field, so the recipient sees his or her own name when viewing the email in clients that display it, like Outlook Express. With my O...
Hi, thanks to everyone involved for making OpenEMM available as an open source product! Working for a startup company it's a godsend. I found a potential bug, but it might also be a misconfiguration or even a feature. When sending an email, there are no names in the To: field. For example: Expected:...