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Sun May 06, 2012 5:17 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: use of target groups
Replies: 1
Views: 3281

use of target groups

Hi, I need some informations concerning the use of target groups. I have performed several tests but it is not clear into my mind. I am using OpenEMM 2011 I have added a custom field to my recipients called "lang" so that I can record their language (FR or EN) I have created two target gro...
Sun May 06, 2012 4:49 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Html parts are empty
Replies: 4
Views: 5492

Re: Html parts are empty

My problem seems to be fixed, I don't know why.....

Thanks for replies
Fri May 04, 2012 3:18 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Html parts are empty
Replies: 4
Views: 5492

Re: Html parts are empty

Yes of course

It seems that HTML content is sent into a plain text part

OpenEMM was installed manually onto a DEBIAN 6 32 bits from tgz package.

Any idea ?
Thu May 03, 2012 3:27 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Html parts are empty
Replies: 4
Views: 5492

Html parts are empty

Hello Until now we used OpenEMM 6.2 without any problems. By now, we have installed a fresh 2011 version and experienced an issue When emails are received in HTML format, the corresponding part is empty ! Here our templates Text version: [agnDYN name="Text"/] Html version: [agnDYN name=&qu...