Search found 30 matches

by hzujmccescsl
Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:05 pm
Forum: Bugs, bug fixes & releases
Topic: CM content module assigned to mailing in wrong place
Replies: 4
Views: 12407

Re: CM content module assigned to mailing in wrong place

fsckpath is correct as suggested. This particular problem is not an issue any more. Some time ago I believe that I figured out how to deal with the situation and most of the solution was saving the work-in-progress at the appropriate time. Other than that, it was more of learning how to select which...
by hzujmccescsl
Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:11 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Don't blame OpenEMM for mailing CSS issues in mail views
Replies: 0
Views: 5421

Don't blame OpenEMM for mailing CSS issues in mail views

In our experience of dealing with mailings with extensive CSS styling in them, there are problems of various degrees with mail servers and/or mail clients/interfaces that can have a demonstrative affects on the appearance of any given mailing. In particular, it appears that Exchange and/or Outlook W...
by hzujmccescsl
Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:56 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Effect of modifying CM template after mailing
Replies: 2
Views: 5408

Re: Effect of modifying CM template after mailing

2) trackable links present a URL that is formatted something similar to: <server hostname:<port>>/r.html?uid=1.1l.6.9y.<random/arbitrary/obfuscated string> where everything from "uid=" on is referred to as a "query string". I need to know how to interpret, or "decipher"...
by hzujmccescsl
Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:44 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Effect of modifying CM template after mailing
Replies: 2
Views: 5408

Effect of modifying CM template after mailing

Scenario: CM template -> mailing -> Normal (final) send -> modify CM template -> mailing ==> embedded trackable links appear to be broken when received mailing links are selected. Note that all mailings are Archived. Four questions: 1) what is the roadmap/workflow for CM template, mailing, and track...
by hzujmccescsl
Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:37 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Leave RFC822 comments in mail address untouched
Replies: 1
Views: 14671

Re: Leave RFC822 comments in mail address untouched

One way to be able to change the RFC822 e-mail address in the recipient ("To:") field is to use the Sendmail Perl 'milter' process to dynamically modify the text in this field as the e-mail is being processed by the SMTP function in the process of being sent out. Using a builtin array or a...
by hzujmccescsl
Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:23 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Suggestion for naming multiple instantiations of OpenEMM
Replies: 0
Views: 4284

Suggestion for naming multiple instantiations of OpenEMM

I have at least 5 instantiations of OpenEMM and I have to force myself to look at the URL to identify WHICH OpenEMM that I am connected to. One suggestion for a simple solution to this is to modify the "logon.title" setting in the <openemm home directory>"/webapps/openemm/WEB-INF/clas...
by hzujmccescsl
Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:55 am
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: DKIM + OpenEMM = it works
Replies: 9
Views: 10835

Re: DKIM + OpenEMM = it works

I haven't tried the following, but a perl-based mail "handler" for DKIM is available: p5-Mail-DKIM,
by hzujmccescsl
Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:45 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: DKIM + OpenEMM = it works
Replies: 9
Views: 10835

Re: DKIM + OpenEMM = it works

So far I have not implemented anything yet, but there are two packages available that are associated with DKIM: libopendkim and opendkm (both available from rpmforge). To make use of this feature, certain DNS modifications are required. At this point, the best thing that I can say is to "read t...
by hzujmccescsl
Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:22 am
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: DKIM + OpenEMM = it works
Replies: 9
Views: 10835

Re: DKIM + OpenEMM = it works

I don't know about something within OpenEMM that will provide DKIM, but sendmail has a "milter" (3rd party sendmail filter) that will provide DKIM via sendmail. Don't know if that would work with OpenEMM "out of the box", however.
by hzujmccescsl
Fri May 17, 2013 5:49 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Provide content element sizes (KB) for mailing planning
Replies: 0
Views: 14179

Provide content element sizes (KB) for mailing planning

It would be very helpful for OpenEMM administrators and OpenEMM "content providers" if ALL content elements (modules) provided element sizes in KB increments. Currently, text modules offer no size information, pictures offer image dimensions, and attachments offers original and embedded fi...
by hzujmccescsl
Wed May 08, 2013 9:24 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: What is the URL format for the one-click open count?
Replies: 2
Views: 4087

Re: What is the URL format for the one-click open count?

Got it: g.html?<args>

What I was really hoping to find was some documentation on all of the "actions" (not user defined) and their respective URLs.
by hzujmccescsl
Sun May 05, 2013 7:35 pm
Forum: Bugs, bug fixes & releases
Topic: assets/core/styles/style.css: invalid "fontsize" attribute
Replies: 1
Views: 4768

assets/core/styles/style.css: invalid "fontsize" attribute

The following CSS code (line 652 ...)

.grey_box_container {

should be changed to

.grey_box_container {
by hzujmccescsl
Fri May 03, 2013 7:59 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: Text version of HTML looses line/paragraph formatting
Replies: 0
Views: 4048

Text version of HTML looses line/paragraph formatting

When formatting HTML version of content using HTML formatting tags to create new lines and paragraphs, all such formatting is lost when the text version is generated (which stands to reason when the text is retained and all HTML components are stripped out). Are there some good methods to "form...
by hzujmccescsl
Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:12 pm
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Leave RFC822 comments in mail address untouched
Replies: 1
Views: 14671

Leave RFC822 comments in mail address untouched

RFC822 e-mail address formats allow for two versions which can include either a "full name" or "comments" to be included with an RFC822 e-mail address. These two forms are: 1) "full name" e-mail_address 2) <e-mail_address> (comments) It IS possible to add "comments...
by hzujmccescsl
Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:05 pm
Forum: Using OpenEMM
Topic: What is the URL format for the one-click open count?
Replies: 2
Views: 4087

What is the URL format for the one-click open count?

What is the format of the one-pixel (automatic) open mail count URL?