After the second newsletter (other mailing list): 941 users :shock: with user_status 6 and user_remark auto opt-out due to blacklist. Found in: webapps\openemm-ws\WEB-INF\classes\org\agnitas\util\Blacklist.class ... org/agnitas/util/Blackdata ... 6;admin=auto opt-out due to blacklist status=blacklis...
After sending the first newsletter are now 86 users with "user_status" = "6" and "user_remark" = "auto opt-out due to blacklist". Newsletter sended 17:36, "change_date" of the users 17:36! Modified date "change_date" is the same for all cha...
Sorry the exact entry is "auto opt-out due to blacklist ". (blacklist written together) I am quite sure that OpenEMM generates this message. Google shows 4 results but unfortunately does not help me:
I have found many items with user_remark "auto opt-out due to black list" in the table customer_1_binding_tbl.
What does that mean exactly?
Why and how do the users have been added to the blacklist?
Thank you already!
We already use the double opt-in process. The spam submissions seem made by robots, like this ones: first name / last name / creation date / e-mail Tnxrqjcp / Tnxrqjcp / 2014-04-15 07:52:16.0 / Zoe / FsQDbbOUCaeDCjwqZ / 2014-04-14 06:08:11.0 / dirtbill / YGv...
I see al logs, and I still don’t understanding how a recipient can be marked as blacklisted in just one mailing list. According to the user-log the receiver was created on a specific time and at the same time was marked as "Blacklisted by 1". Imports did not exist in these days. The Users ...
Hello, Ok, 1 is the administrator hwo sends the mailings. But no one has entered this receivers in a blacklist. The receivers was registered only in one mailig list as blacklisted. The receivers was not in the normal blacklist, where the admin enters the recipients to be blocked. So OpenEMM must hav...
I have found some records with the Note (user_remark) "Blacklisted by 1" in the table "customer_1_binding_tbl".
How can I find out why these receivers have landed on the blacklist?
I hope someone can help me.