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- Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:33 pm
- Forum: Using OpenEMM
- Topic: unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working
- Replies: 21
- Views: 21610
Re: unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working
I've setup a test system and followed your instruction and indeed it worked. I used my own template code and again the ##ADNUID## were not replaced. Initially I couldn't spot a difference between the example template and my template. But apparently the parser is very sensitive about the quotation ma...
- Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:48 pm
- Forum: Using OpenEMM
- Topic: unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working
- Replies: 21
- Views: 21610
Re: unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working
I seem to have a similar issue. I'm running OpenEMM 2013 and to me it looks like the ##AGNUID## variable is not replaced by the unique user ID in the emails that are sent out. I've so far only send out emails to the Admin and Test subscribers. In both cases the URL still contains the verbatim variab...