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by anitadhale27
Mon Aug 29, 2016 10:05 am
Forum: Usability
Topic: Unable to send email to officialemail address
Replies: 0
Views: 13305

Unable to send email to officialemail address

Hello All, Hope you all had a great weekend. I need your support to resolve one issue. I am new to Openemm and facing few challenges with the usage. Can you please help me to resolve the issue with sending emails to official email addresses ( company email address), when i send the email it says no ...
by anitadhale27
Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:32 pm
Forum: Usability
Topic: New Mailling
Replies: 1
Views: 12667

New Mailling

Hello All,

I am new to OpenEMM and looking for tutorials on using OpenEMM. I have gone through the tutorials propvided on the OpenEMM website, but is not very helpful. Could anyone please share some more learning material on using OpenEMM .

thank you in advance.

Best Regards,
by anitadhale27
Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:21 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: How to open after intallation
Replies: 4
Views: 10294

Re: How to open after intallation

hello there I am totally new to OpenEMM and currently responsible to evaluate the benefits of OpenEMM for my company's marketting team. i have installed OpenEMM on my local machine and below is the configuration and details of the software installation on my machine in below order: - jDK 8.91 - Pyth...