It would be great to have a "double-opt-in" mechanism to add a subscriber to more than one mailing list when he clicks on the confirmation link.
"Opt-In" mechanism is already possible for more multiple list!
Search found 2 matches
- Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:28 am
- Forum: Suggestions
- Topic: "Double-Opt-In" for more than 1 mailing list
- Replies: 0
- Views: 8493
- Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:32 pm
- Forum: Using OpenEMM
- Topic: "Doubel-Opt-In" mechanism with more than one maili
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5266
"Doubel-Opt-In" mechanism with more than one maili
I want to realise "Double-Opt-In" for up to 3 mailing list in one subscription form. According to the documentation, I must specifiy ONE list for sending the activation link to the user and the double-opt-in mechanism only works for this special list. So is it possible to activate differen...