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by wong.jason9
Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:12 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos
Replies: 41
Views: 26551

Re: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos

looking at the file, starting at line 827 I see this: 827 if portStartIndex > 0: 828 port = int(host[portStartIndex + 1:]) 829 host = host[0:portStartIndex] 830 else: 831 port = 3306 832 833 sqlUpdateReturnCode = os.system(Environment.dbClientPath + " -h " + host + &quo...
by wong.jason9
Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:14 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos
Replies: 41
Views: 26551

Re: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos

From your output I see that you do not have defined the System URL like it is explained in the OpenEMM Wiki. Please do not skip steps described in the documentation. Hello, thank you for your patience. Setting the system url is in section 5 (configuration) of the install wiki. Since I'm getting err...
by wong.jason9
Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:03 am
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos
Replies: 41
Views: 26551

Re: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos

Do you really use "openemm_db_user" as DB user name? Please try "openemm" instead as mentioned in the OpenEMM Wiki. I changed the database user name to "openemm" using the installer then ran option 4 again. I get the same error. Unknown suffix 'p' used for variable 'po...
by wong.jason9
Sat Oct 26, 2019 6:30 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos
Replies: 41
Views: 26551

Re: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos

Hello, here is the dbcfg file:

# cat dbcfg
openemm: dbms=mariadb, name=openemm, jdbc-connect=jdbc:mariadb://, host=, user=openemm_db_user, jdbc-driver=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver, password=123456
by wong.jason9
Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:47 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos
Replies: 41
Views: 26551

Re: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos

I noticed on this forum post ( ) that someone has the same error, " Unknown suffix 'p' used for variable 'port' (value 'port') ". The user says that it can be due to the mariadb version. I am running the version installed using "y...
by wong.jason9
Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:05 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos
Replies: 41
Views: 26551

Re: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos

Hi, thank you for your assistance and patience. There was some progress, but I still get errors with the database: Creating basic database structure ... Unknown suffix 'p' used for variable 'port' (value 'port') /bin/mysql: Error while setting value 'port' to 'port' *** Error report for sanity check...
by wong.jason9
Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:35 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos
Replies: 41
Views: 26551

Re: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos

I think you forget to install the OpenEMM backend and frontend. Have a look at section 4.4 of the OpenEMM Wiki: I did try that, but it doesn't work for me. Section 4.4 says to run the installer then choose menu 4 or 5. I run the inst...
by wong.jason9
Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:45 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos
Replies: 41
Views: 26551

Re: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos

Looks like there might be some files missing. The file references an sql file during the database setup: fullDbScriptSuccess = Utilities.executeSqlScriptFile(Environment.applicationUserWebappsDirectory + "/emm/WEB-INF/sql/mysql/emm-mysql-fulldb-basic.sql") But there is ...
by wong.jason9
Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:09 pm
Forum: Installation & Upgrades
Topic: installing openemm 2019 not working on centos
Replies: 41
Views: 26551

installing openemm 2019 not working on centos

Hi. I'm using centos 7.7 and following the procedure in I'm using mariadb and sendmail. After downloading openemm-runtime-19.07.011.tar.gz and extracting it in /home/openemm, I run the file in ~/bin. I get prompted for the database setup info, pr...