Odd Errors in Actions

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Odd Errors in Actions

Post by Caroline9L »

Hi all,
So I've run into an issue with Actions that I can't seem to get around. I've created a number of actions for a number of purposes (many of which are redundant for testing). They all work initially (as in, I can assign them to forms and links as needed, and most of them will run properly); this issue comes later. Eventually, I'll go to edit one, (Actions > Overview > my custom action) and the next page will come up -- but with the message, "A general error occurred. Please check your input" -- and the page opened will be (typically) the last action I had open or the next one down the list, depending upon when in my session I'm accessing the non-working action. If I double click the title or I click the edit button, same thing. I can't even delete them without the same thing happening! There also seems to be no rationale behind which actions are affected, besides them being ones that I have created (the errors do not seem linked to action type or the existence of a similar or identical action). I can still assign them to forms and links, however, they will return errors in the forms. What is going on and how can I at least eliminate these actions from my account?
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Re: Odd Errors in Actions

Post by maschoff »

if you get the GUI message "A general error occurred. Please check your input", please check the output in Tomcat's log catalina.out in directory /home/openemm/logs for any stacktraces.
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Re: Odd Errors in Actions

Post by Caroline9L »

Unfortunately I'm just a user of the software, not a tech or administrator, so I do not have access to any of the back end information. Is there a way I can access it from the front end?
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Re: Odd Errors in Actions

Post by maschoff »

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