VMware Version - New recipients are not editable

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VMware Version - New recipients are not editable

Post by mondreiter »

New recipients from a websiteformular are not editable in the admin interface. Only a white page will be shown.
I tested with an normal and double opt-in subscription.
An email for double opt-in confirmation will no be send.
maybe the websiteform is wrong

Code: Select all

<form action="form.do" method="post"> 
<input type="hidden" name="agnCI" value="1"> 
<input type="hidden" name="agnFN" value="DoubleSave">
First name: <input type="text" value="" name="firstname"><br> 
Last name: <input type="text" value="" name="lastname"><br> 
E-mail address: <input type="text" value="" name="email"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="agnSUBSCRIBE" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="agnMAILINGLIST" value="1" />
<input type="submit" value="submit!"> </form>
I did all steps in the manual for crating a double opt-in subscibe form. But i dont know how it can ever work. Because in the manual are three actions and three forms defined. One for the websitesubscribe form that calls a confirm form. The confirm form calls the action to save the user in database. In ther manual there is an extra action for sending confirmation link mail. but wich element calls this action? so the link will never be send. can anyone explain me the double opt-in subsciption?
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Post by mondreiter »

I found the bug.
Do the following in the console to fix the problem:

mysql –u root openemm

ALTER TABLE customer_1_tbl CHANGE mailtype mailtype INT( 11 ) NULL DEFAULT '0';


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recipients not editable

Post by maschoff »

hm, strange, we could not reproduce this misbehaviour.

However, in your form you should also ask for the gender.
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Hofmann M.
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Post by Hofmann M. »

Hi all,

for simple double-opt-in i do following steps:

1. Form in my website:

Code: Select all

<form method="post" name="subscribe" action="http://rdir.xxx.de:8081/form.do">
<input type="hidden" name="agnCI" value="1"> 
<input type="hidden" name="agnFN" value="subscribe_1">
<input type="hidden" name="agnSUBSCRIBE" value="1"> 
<input type="hidden" name="agnMAILINGLIST" value="1">
<input type="radio" name="MAILTYPE" value="1" checked> HTML
<input type="radio" name="MAILTYPE" value="0"> Text
<select name="GENDER">
<option value="2" selected>anonymous</option>
<option value="0">Mister</option>
<option value="1">Miss</option>
<input type="text" size="22" name="FIRSTNAME">
<input type="text" size="22" name="LASTNAME">
<input type="text" size="22" name="EMAIL">
<input name="send" value="Register" type="submit">
:!: This fields are necessary: agnCI, agnFN, agnSUBSCRIBE, agnMAILINGLIST, MAILTYPE, GENDER, EMAIL
In some case i set the GENDER=2 and MAILTYPE=1 hidden.

2. the EMM-Form "subscribe_1":
- Action "Double-opt-in" (only for forms; Step: Subscribe, use double-opt-in; check for dublicates and key-column = email)
- Success-message: Registration for News, you'll get a mail with a registration-link, please click it.
- Action "Send DOI-Mail" (only for forms; Step: send actionbased mailing; I prepare a actionbased Mail with a link like following:
http://rdir.xxx.de:8081/form.do?agnCI=1 ... D=##AGNUID## )

3. the EMM-Form "subscribe_2":
- Action "Double-opt-in confirm" (only for forms; Step: Double-Opt-In confirmation)
- Success-message: Registration successful! Welcome to our Newsletter
- optional Action: Send Welcome-Mail

In my EMM-Configuration it works perfectly.

In your form I miss the field: GENDER


Greetings Markus
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:23 pm

Post by hawkeye »

mondreiter wrote:I found the bug.
Do the following in the console to fix the problem:

mysql –u root openemm

ALTER TABLE customer_1_tbl CHANGE mailtype mailtype INT( 11 ) NULL DEFAULT '0';


Great, that solves one of the two problems :roll: I can edit the new users now, but still no mail was send while Double-Opt-In.
How did you discover that solution. I am still looking for a good logfile...

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Post by maschoff »

Thanks, we will change file openemm.sql for v5.0.3 !
OpenEMM Maintainer
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