i am looking for a good system for sending newsletters for a non-commercial organisation.
This organisation has a hierarchical structure (bases in towns, districts and states) , so my idea is that we can map this structure to the newsletter-system. For this I need a special rights-management, and I would very like to know if that is possible with OpenEMM, before I spend hours installing it.
The best way would be, that we have seperate lists for each base, and for each base an administrator (that can only edit his own list, and can only send newsletters to this own list). Additionally the should be a administrator for teh circuit, that can edit all lists of the towns-bases in his circuit and send newsletter to all of them. The "Master"-Administrator should edit/send newsletters to all lists in all circuits.
Is this possible?
The "smaller solution" is to have at least the possibility to add aditional administrators with rights limited to one list (edit/send newsletters).
I found in PHPlist something like that, but OpenEMM seems to be ages more advanced, so I would love to use that!

Thanks for your replies in advance!