How to delete multiple bounced emails together ?

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How to delete multiple bounced emails together ?

Post by amar »

I want to delete all the bounced emails together for a particular mailing list.
But there is no option for deleting all the bounced emails together.
I have to delete them one by one which is very time consuming method.
So can anyone please suggest me a way to delete all the bounced email-ids together from a mailing list.
There is no option like select checkbox and all the bounced email-ids will get selected and we can delete them all at once.
Thanks in advance.
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Re: How to delete multiple bounced emails together ?

Post by maschoff »

There is no direct way to do it, but you could

1. export all bounced addresses to a CSV file
2. add a profile field "delete" with a flag value like "1" to the CSV file
3. add profile field "delete" in OpenEMM
4. re-import the CSV file
5. create a target group delete=1
6. delete the recipients of this target group (see link of same name)
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Re: How to delete multiple bounced emails together ?

Post by josmatic »


I using "AGNITAS OpenEMM 2015 R2" and I want to delete bigger number of emails from system. I can not add "delete" profile fields, it is not allowed.
Do you have any advice for me?

Best regards.
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Re: How to delete multiple bounced emails together ?

Post by maschoff »

Why do you think you can not delete profile fields? Maybe the permission is just missing for your user? Or do you get a specific error message?
OpenEMM Maintainer
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