Sending mails - nothing happening

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Sending mails - nothing happening

Post by Toot »

Everything appears to be fine with my fresh-out-the-box v5.1.0 installation on CentOS4, apart from mailings aren't doing anything - the same thing happens with admin/test/normal sends. The only hint that something isn't working properly is that I get a single line in /var/log/maillog, e.g.:

Code: Select all

Jul  2 09:48:20 trillian xmlback[8489]: mail creation: 0;1;1;1;5;A;1;0;2;1;4381
Normal users can send mails OK, e.g.:

Code: Select all

mail -s Test < mailcontentfile
I've had a good dig around the forums and verified that the appropriate packages are installed - at least I think so... the python-like ones are "python-2.3.4-14.3" and "MySQL-python-1.0.0-1.RHEL4.1".

Can anyone help me please?

Thanks in advance,

PS: This thread appears to be similar but my German isn't up to it I'm afraid - is it hinting that I need a different postfix installation???
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Post by Toot »

There's a load of files - df* and qf* in /home/openemm/var/spool/ADMIN and /home/openemm/var/spool/QUEUE ... so I take it they're just not being sent ... what config am I missing to kick this into life? And/or how/where do I find the logs with the errors!?!?!?

Thanks again,
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Post by Toot »

It seems to me like postfix just needs to be told to process the var/spool/ADMIN and var/spool/QUEUE directories ... but I'm new to postfix and can't find anything on configuring it for multiple queues ... I would have expected to find something in the OpenEMM docs somewhere??? As this is pretty key to actually using OpenEMM, someone must have gone through it before ... ????? Please????

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Post by ud »

For proper working OpenEMM, sendmail is required at the moment, postfix is not supported.

-- ud
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Post by Toot »

Ah that would explain it then! You say "at the moment" ... does that mean it's coming? Any idea when?

Thanks for your response.
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No Sendmail required

Post by maschoff »

OpenEMM 5.5 will optionally work without Sendmail (like the Windows version).
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Post by jminiko »

Hi there,

I have followed the instructions of the wiki, I do not manage to get emailing received. The point is that folders META and ARCHIVE are fully populated after a sending but no mail is received by recipients.
I have the same symptoms here as previous.
Any help appreciated,

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Post by maschoff »

Does your 1&1 server use sendmail? If not, have you disabled the SMT server and enabled OpenEMM's internal SMTP server?
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Re: Sending mails - nothing happening

Post by phx_zs »

Sorry to dig up an old thread. I'm having the same issue. Went through a lot of work and tweaking to get OpenEMM running and now that I've set up some Mailings, Target Groups, Recipients, Mailing Lists and Actions and tried sending out a mailing it says all the emails were sent but I never received anything (to regular, test, or admin sends). There are multiple files in the spool directories.

My server is running CentOS 5.5 with PHP 5.2 and sendmail is installed. I can send emails from the shell. Any advice? Should I try using OpenEMM's internal SMTP (and if so where is the documentation on that)?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Sending mails - nothing happening

Post by maschoff »

If your Sendmail does not send mails a switch to OpenEMM's internal mail server won't help (how to do this is described in the OpenEMM Install Guide), because something must be wrong with your configuration.
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Re: Sending mails - nothing happening

Post by phx_zs »

The sendmail program is installed correctly and works from the must just be a configuration issue with my OpenEMM installation. Any ideas of where to look for what would be causing it?

I found this in the FAQ: ... ux+only%29

#7 says I could try adding "define(`SMART_HOST',`smtp.your.provider')" to my file. My hosting company (GoDaddy) does have a specific SMTP relay server I can use if that would work.

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