Removing bounce addresses

Use this forum for all questions related to bounce management of OpenEMM

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Removing bounce addresses

Post by markus »

Hello all!

Does OpenEMM automatically remove bounced mail addresses?
Ofcource I could delete the recipients from the customer binding table.
But is there a filter that removes bounced addresses (scan_and_unsubscribe)?

Is there a limit for soft bounces set (reaching it lead to the deletion of these addresses)? What about autorespond-messages (away notices)?

Thanks for any hints!

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Post by maschoff »

OpenEMM never removes addresses, but if an e-mail address generates a hard bounce the address is deactivated, and if an e-mail address generates the soft bounce (don't know the exact number right now) it is also deactivated. Perhaps ud can provide more details here.
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Post by ud »

To enable handling of softbounces you have to start ~openemm/bin/ once a day (e.g. by cron). If an email address has more than seven softbounces in the last (aprox.) six month (regardless of the number of softbounces per email, only one softbounce is counted per run) it is converted to a hardbounce. As we do not implement full mail tracking due to database load in OpenEMM, we do not reset softbounces on successful delivery. See the previous post for handling of hardbounces.

-- ud
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Post subject: Removing bounce addresses

Post by diorgardner »

We recently sent out an e-mail campaign and if I'm reading the logs right we had some e-mails soft bounce around 60 times. Is there a way to stop the resend if it softbounces more than 3 times?
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Post by maschoff »

Those e-mails where probably directed to AOL, right? If AOL does not know you (ie. you are not on their whitelist or EWL) their mail servers send some weird (non RFC compliant) responses which causes OpenEMM to resend mails. We are working on a AOL specific filter solution.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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