Upgrade from 2015 to 2019

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Upgrade from 2015 to 2019

Post by simon.k »

Hi All,

We've been using the latest version of OpenEMM 2015 for a while now.
To test the "new" 2019 version, I've setup a completely new VM and after fiddling with the installer for a while managed to get everything up-and-running.

However... How do we safely migrate our setup from 2015 to 2019? I tried dumping the db from the 2015 version to the new 2019 VM, but there are a lot of db-changes which obviously breaks the entire setup. I tried starting the install with the 2015 database already in place, but that failed as well...

I can't seem to find any documented way for upgrading to the 2019 version...

You could say: "why not start from scratch?", but we tried that before. This effectively breaks all url's in every mailing that was ever sent with the setup, due to the rdir-tables not containing the past data...

Anyone have any info on how to do the upgrade?
One would assume with a product like this, the upgrade-procedure is documented extensively and effectively bullet-proof...

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Re: Upgrade from 2015 to 2019

Post by maschoff »

One would assume with a product like this, the upgrade-procedure is documented extensively and effectively bullet-proof...
There is no way to automatically update from 2015 to 2019 since the DB schema has changed a lot. But the new DB schema of 2019 is documented in file emm-mysql-fulldb-basic.sql. So you could identify the data you really need for 2019 (like table company_tbl, customer_1_tbl, customer_1_binding_tbl , customer_field_tbl and mailinglist_tbl), export the data from the tables of your 2015 database (in general, the table and column names have not changed) and import them into an emtpy 2019 database.
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Re: Upgrade from 2015 to 2019

Post by simon.k »

maschoff wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:53 pm
One would assume with a product like this, the upgrade-procedure is documented extensively and effectively bullet-proof...
There is no way to automatically update from 2015 to 2019 since the DB schema has changed a lot. But the new DB schema of 2019 is documented in file emm-mysql-fulldb-basic.sql. So you could identify the data you really need for 2019 (like table company_tbl, customer_1_tbl, customer_1_binding_tbl , customer_field_tbl and mailinglist_tbl), export the data from the tables of your 2015 database (in general, the table and column names have not changed) and import them into an emtpy 2019 database.
Ok, but how do I migrate the links in mails sent out by the 2015 system.
I tried to migrate the records to the new database (rdir_url_tbl), but it doesn't seem to work. There are also a couple of different fields in the new db, compared to the old. I'm guessing you guys have a script or migration-path for this?
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Re: Upgrade from 2015 to 2019

Post by lamb »

did u ever get a response or fix to this?
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