[SOLVED by workaround] New install with DB data restored - still not running

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[SOLVED by workaround] New install with DB data restored - still not running

Post by rodig03 »

I did have issues with OpenEmm 20.04 on Centos 7 and I am trying to install it completely new on Centos 8.2
Installation went through using OpenemmInstall.sh , and after installing all modules I restored the DB from the previous installation.
For me it seems that I need to update the variables in emm.properties with the values in the database. Is there an easy way to do it?
The files contain the default values, the tables in the database are correct.

Code: Select all

= OpenEMM Installer v20.04.003 =
Host: nl.XXX.de
License: OpenEMM (ID: 0)
Runtime Version:
Manual Version: 20.04.011
OpenEMM Version:
System-Url: https://nl.XXX.de
OpenEMMBackend Version:

Code: Select all

Current menu: Configure basic environment (Java, Tomcat, Tomcat-Native, Wkhtml)

Current webapp basic configuration:
 JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-
 CATALINA_HOME: /home/openemm/opt/tomcat
 Tomcat-Native: /home/openemm/opt/tomcat-native
 WKHTMLTOPDF: /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf
 WKHTMLTOIMAGE: /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage

Code: Select all

OpenEMM configuration in DB

 birt.drilldownurl = https://nl.XXX.de
 birt.privatekey = ...
 birt.publickey = ...
 birt.url = https://nl.XXX.de/birt
 birt.url.intern = http://localhost:8080/birt
 clean.mastercompany = true
 hostauthentication.cookies.https.only = true
 mailaddress.bounce = serveradmin@YYY.de
 mailaddress.error = service@XXX.de
 mailaddress.frontend = service@XXX.de
 mailaddress.replyto = serveradmin@YYY.de
 mailaddress.report_archive = serveradmin@YYY.de
 mailaddress.sender = serveradmin@YYY.de
 mailaddress.support = service@XXX.de
 mailaddress.upload.database = serveradmin@YYY.de
 mailaddress.upload.support = serveradmin@YYY.de
 mailloop.actionbased_autoresponder_ui = enabled
 mailout.ini.account_logfile = ${home}/log/account.log
 mailout.ini.blocksize = 300
 mailout.ini.blocksize = 1000
 mailout.ini.boundary = AGNITAS
 mailout.ini.default_charset = ISO-8859-1
 mailout.ini.default_encoding = quoted-printable
 mailout.ini.directdir = ${home}/var/spool/DIRECT
 mailout.ini.domain = nl.XXX.de
 mailout.ini.domain = openemm.org
 mailout.ini.eol = LF
 mailout.ini.loglevel = ERROR
 mailout.ini.mail_log_number = 400
 mailout.ini.mailer = Agnitas OpenEMM 20.04
 mailout.ini.metadir = ${home}/var/spool/META
 mailout.ini.xmlback = ${home}/bin/xmlback
 mailout.ini.xmlvalidate = False
 system.defaultMailloopDomain = email.XXX.de
 system.defaultRdirDomain = https://nl.XXX.de
 system.licence = 0
 system.mail.host = localhost
 system.nl.XXX.de.IsActive = 1
 system.RdirLandingpage = https://www.XXX.de
 system.support_emergency_url = https://www.XXX.de/static/service.html
 system.url (Url for OpenEMM-GUI) = https://nl.XXX.de
 system.wkhtmltoimage = /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage
 system.wkhtmltopdf = /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf
 webservices.url = https://nl.XXX.de/2.0/
but some values e.g. for birt are displayed wrong for the emm.properties

Code: Select all

Current menu: Change emm.properties

OpenEMM configuration
 ApplicationVersion =
 beta.version = false
 birt.drilldownurl = http://[to be defined]
 birt.host.user = openemm
 birt.plugin.directory = ${HOME}/birt-plugins
 birt.privatekeyfile = ${HOME}/conf/keys/birt_private.pem
 birt.publickeyfile = ${HOME}/conf/keys/birt_public.pem
 birt.url = http://[to be defined]/birt
 cdn.maxCache = 10000
 cdn.maxCacheTimeMillis = 300000
 hostauthentication.cookies.https.only = true
 hostedImage.maxCache = 500
 hostedImage.maxCacheTimeMillis = 300000
 legacy.version = false
 live.version = false
 mailaddress.bounce = openemm@example.com
 mailaddress.error = openemm@example.com
 mailaddress.frontend = openemm@example.com
 mailaddress.replyto = openemm@example.com
 mailaddress.replyto.name = OpenEMM
 mailaddress.report_archive = openemm@example.com
 mailaddress.sender = openemm@example.com
 mailaddress.sender.name = OpenEMM
 mailaddress.support = openemm@example.com
 mailaddress.upload.database = openemm@example.com
 mailaddress.upload.support = openemm@example.com
 mailgun.ini.account_logfile = ${home}/log/account.log
 mailgun.ini.blocksize = 1000
 mailgun.ini.boundary = AGNITAS
 mailgun.ini.default_charset = ISO-8859-1
 mailgun.ini.default_encoding = quoted-printable
 mailgun.ini.directdir = ${home}/var/spool/DIRECT
 mailgun.ini.domain = openemm.org
 mailgun.ini.eol = LF
 mailgun.ini.loglevel = ERROR
 mailgun.ini.mail_log_number = 400
 mailgun.ini.mailer = Agnitas OpenEMM 20.04
 mailgun.ini.metadir = ${home}/var/spool/META
 mailgun.ini.xmlback = ${home}/bin/xmlback
 mailgun.ini.xmlvalidate = False
 mailgun.maxCache = 100
 mailgun.maxCacheTimeMillis = 300000
 manual_install_path = ${HOME}/webapps/manual
 onlinehelp.languages = de,en
 plugins.home = ${HOME}/emm-plugins
 preview.loglevel = ERROR
 preview.logname = emmpreviews
 preview.mailgun.cache.age = 1000
 preview.mailgun.cache.size = 10
 preview.page.cache.age = 1000
 preview.page.cache.size = 10
 rdir.mailingIds.maxCache = 500
 rdir.mailingIds.maxCacheTimeMillis = 300000
 system.ghostscript = /usr/bin/gs
 system.mail.host = localhost
 system.mailgun = localhost
 system.url = http://[to be defined]
 undo.limit = 15
 velocity.logdir = ${HOME}/logs/velocity_asp
 wkhtmltoimage = /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage
 wkhtmltopdf = /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf
Last edited by rodig03 on Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 45
Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:27 pm

Re: New install with DB data restored - still not running

Post by rodig03 »

I now edited emm.properties manually and the system is working.

However, what is the recommended way to avoid differences between the database entries and the text file?
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Re: [SOLVED by workaround] New install with DB data restored - still not running

Post by maschoff »

OpenEMM migrates properties from emm.properties to the DB to get rid of emm.properties. If you restore an old DB the migrated values in the DB are lost.
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Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:27 pm

Re: [SOLVED by workaround] New install with DB data restored - still not running

Post by rodig03 »

What about the files with the settings?

Are they not used any more and can be deleted or ignored?
If not, do I have to populate them manually in case of a migration / disaster recovery?

In this case, I wanted a new install on Centos 8 instead of 7, and restore all functionality, so the DB backup was restored after doing a fresh install.

Is this correct or what would be the recommended approach?
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Location: Munich, Germany

Re: [SOLVED by workaround] New install with DB data restored - still not running

Post by maschoff »

If a value is present in the DB, this value is used. If no value is present in the DB, but a value in emm.properties exists, this value is used as fallback.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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