system fields lastclick_date and lastopen_date are empty

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system fields lastclick_date and lastopen_date are empty

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With several tests and openings (Outlook data downloaded) the fields lastclick_date and lastopen_date remain empty. Why does openemm not write any information in these fields? I am using version Thanks for the answer.
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Re: system fields lastclick_date and lastopen_date are empty

Post by mdoerschmidt »

Writing the last open and last click date is disabled by default.

To enable it, execute this SQL statement on your database:
INSERT INTO config_tbl (class, name, value) VALUES ('measure', 'writecustomeropenorclickfield', 'true');

After inseting this configuration key, you either have to wait 5 minutes or restart your OpenEMM.
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Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:19 am

Re: system fields lastclick_date and lastopen_date are empty

Post by »

Thanks for the answer. It works. Nearly.

If you click after opening, the value in the lastopen_date field is overwritten. The values ​​are then identical (lastopen_date = lastclick_date).

A mistake or intent?
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Re: system fields lastclick_date and lastopen_date are empty

Post by maschoff »

You may activate the writing of these fields with

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO company_info_tbl (company_id, cname, cvalue) VALUES (0, 'measure.writecustomeropenorclickfield', 'true')
But be aware that this costs some database performance.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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