Table 'openemm.disabled_mailinglist_tbl' doesn't exist

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Table 'openemm.disabled_mailinglist_tbl' doesn't exist

Post by Andrey »

I have the latest version of all:

OpenEMM Runtime Version: 21.04.097
OpenEMM Version:
OpenEMM Manual Version: 21.04.461
Db version

Looking for some errors at the system log:

Code: Select all

021-09-02 11:57:46,206: ERROR [https-openssl-apr-8443-exec-10] com.agnitas.dao.impl.ComRecipientDaoImpl - Error: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT bind.customer_id FROM customer_1_tbl cust, customer_1_binding_tbl bind WHERE bind.user_type IN (?, ?, ?) AND bind.user_status = ? AND bind.mailinglist_id NOT IN (SELECT mailinglist_id FROM disabled_mailinglist_tbl WHERE admin_id = ?) AND (bind.customer_id = cust.customer_id OR bind.customer_id IS NULL) ORDER BY bind.user_type, bind.customer_id LIMIT ?]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: (conn=97540) Table 'openemm.disabled_mailinglist_tbl' doesn't exist
SQL: SELECT bind.customer_id FROM customer_1_tbl cust, customer_1_binding_tbl bind WHERE bind.user_type IN (?, ?, ?) AND bind.user_status = ? AND bind.mailinglist_id NOT IN (SELECT mailinglist_id FROM disabled_mailinglist_tbl WHERE admin_id = ?) AND (bind.customer_id = cust.customer_id OR bind.customer_id IS NULL) ORDER BY bind.user_type, bind.customer_id LIMIT ?
Parameter: 'T', 't', 'A', 1, 1, 1
org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT bind.customer_id FROM customer_1_tbl cust, customer_1_binding_tbl bind WHERE bind.user_type IN (?, ?, ?) AND bind.user_status = ? AND bind.mailinglist_id NOT IN (SELECT mailinglist_id FROM disabled_mailinglist_tbl WHERE admin_id = ?) AND (bind.customer_id = cust.customer_id OR bind.customer_id IS NULL) ORDER BY bind.user_type, bind.customer_id LIMIT ?]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: (conn=97540) Table 'openemm.disabled_mailinglist_tbl' doesn't exist
The table disabled_mailinglist_tbl - does not exist at the OpenEmm DB - if look from mysqladmin.
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Re: Table 'openemm.disabled_mailinglist_tbl' doesn't exist

Post by maschoff »

This table should not be used by OpenEMM. How did you generate this error message?
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Re: Table 'openemm.disabled_mailinglist_tbl' doesn't exist

Post by Andrey »

maschoff wrote: Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:19 am This table should not be used by OpenEMM. How did you generate this error message?
Sorry, cannot to reproduce now. I will try to reproduce if these showed again at the log.
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