Install Web Service

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Install Web Service

Post by eleassarathelas »


i not install web service version 5.3 , problem is path script, who is path where execute java?????

can be declare java_HOME=/path/ejecute/ajava...

can you help my?

Santiago de Chile
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Location: Santiago, Chile

Post by eleassarathelas »

It gives me this error when attempting to run the last escript

openemm@telemaco:~/webservices$ ./ -o ws.wsdl -l "http://pruebas:8080/emm_webservice" -n "http://pruebas:
> 8080/emm_webservice" -w ALL org.agnitas.webservice.EmmWebService_Port
The <class-of-portType> has already been specified as, 8080/emm_webservice. It cannot be specified again as org.agnitas.webservice.EmmWebService_Port.
Java2WSDL emitter
Usage: java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL [options] class-of-portType
-h, --help
print this message and exit
-I, --input <argument>
input WSDL filename
-o, --output <argument>
output WSDL filename
-l, --location <argument>
service location url
-P, --portTypeName <argument>
portType name (obtained from class-of-portType if not specif
-b, --bindingName <argument>
binding name (--servicePortName value + "SOAPBinding" if not
-S, --serviceElementName <argument>
service element name (defaults to --servicePortName value +
-s, --servicePortName <argument>
service port name (obtained from --location if not specified
-n, --namespace <argument>
target namespace
-p, --PkgtoNS <argument>=<value>
package=namespace, name value pairs
-m, --methods <argument>
space or comma separated list of methods to export
-a, --all
look for allowed methods in inherited class
-w, --outputWsdlMode <argument>
output WSDL mode: All, Interface, Implementation
-L, --locationImport <argument>
location of interface wsdl
-N, --namespaceImpl <argument>
target namespace for implementation wsdl
-O, --outputImpl <argument>
output Implementation WSDL filename, setting this causes --o
utputWsdlMode to be ignored
-i, --implClass <argument>
optional class that contains implementation of methods in cl
ass-of-portType. The debug information in the class is used
to obtain the method parameter names, which are used to set
the WSDL part names.
-x, --exclude <argument>
space or comma separated list of methods not to export
-c, --stopClasses <argument>
space or comma separated list of class names which will stop
inheritance search if --all switch is given
-T, --typeMappingVersion <argument>
indicate 1.1 or 1.2. The default is 1.1 (SOAP 1.1 JAX-RPC c
ompliant 1.2 indicates SOAP 1.1 encoded.)
-A, --soapAction <argument>
value of the operation's soapAction field. Values are DEFAUL
T, OPERATION or NONE. OPERATION forces soapAction to the nam
e of the operation. DEFAULT causes the soapAction to be set
according to the operation's meta data (usually ""). NONE
forces the soapAction to "". The default is DEFAULT.
-y, --style <argument>
The style of binding in the WSDL, either DOCUMENT, RPC, or W
-u, --use <argument>
The use of items in the binding, either LITERAL or ENCODED
-e, --extraClasses <argument>
A space or comma separated list of class names to be added t
o the type section.
-C, --importSchema
A file or URL to an XML Schema that should be physically imp
orted into the generated WSDL
-X, --classpath
additional classpath elements
-d, --deploy
generate wsdd and java classes for deploying
portType element name= <--portTypeName value> OR <class-of-portType name>
binding element name= <--bindingName value> OR <--servicePortName value>SoapBinding
service element name= <--serviceElementName value> OR <--portTypeName value>Service
port element name= <--servicePortName value>
address location = <--location value>
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:52 pm
Location: Santiago, Chile

Problem Install WebServices V 5.3

Post by eleassarathelas »

Dear friends move from version 5.1 to 5.3 without any problem, in afan of further investigate improvements in the new version I tried desperately install webservices which brings the version, the steps I followed for such a facility are

1-creating tables in database OK
2-Run escript OK
3-Run escript OK
4-Run. / or ws.wsdl-l "http://localhost:8080/emm_webservice" n "http://localhost:
8080 / emm_webservice "w ALL org.agnitas.webservice.EmmWebService_Port FAILED

The error that I muestar to run this escript is
The <class-of-portType> has already been specified as, 8080/emm_webservice. It can not be specified again as org.agnitas.webservice.emm_webservices_8080.

I need help please


Peter Santis
Santiago de Chile
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Post by maschoff »

can you clarify step 4 further? What exactly was your input at the prompt and what exactly was the output?

And what operating system and java version do you use?
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Location: Santiago, Chile

Post by eleassarathelas »

OK ma this is the situation, will run the escript in step 4, ie operates smoothly and showed no exits mistake, but to call the Web service that is http://domain:8080/emm_webservice shows me a page with the list of webservices and a hyperlink that takes you to imagine each of them, but when I try to get up there throws me the following error

404 Not Found
/services/urn:agnitas-webservice was not found on this server.

Resin-3.0.19 (built Mon, 15 May 2006 04:50:47 PDT)

I tried to find the file services referred to in error but have not achieved anything with respect to the versions I use are as follows

EMM OpenEMM-5.3.1b
JAVA jdk-1_5_0_13-linux-i586



Peter Santis
Santiago de Chile
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:52 pm
Location: Santiago, Chile

Post by eleassarathelas »

I have a question for anyone who can answer it, for the installation of web services is necessary to install apache axis, it has something to do with the proper functioning of what s web services version 5.3.1b or of not?
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