the runtime 22.10.023 asks for a password if try to install Tomcat during the basic environment setup.
Code: Select all
= OpenEMM Maintenance Tool (OMT) v22.10.023 =
Root mode: On
Hostname: localhost.localdomain
OpenEMM Runtime Version: 22.10.023
OpenEMM Version: Unknown
System-Url: Unknown
Invalid database vendor in dbcfg:
Database Connection cannot be established. (Maybe database user or database connection parameters for OpenEMM were not configured)
Database structure does not exist. (Maybe OpenEMM is not installed)
Basic webapplication configuration for Tomcat/CatalinaHome is missing or invalid. Please configure.
Current menu: Configure basic environment (Java, Tomcat, Tomcat-Native, Wkhtml, Proxy)
Current webapp basic configuration:
JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-
Tomcat-Native: /home/openemm/opt/tomcat-native
Please choose entry to change (Blank => Back):
Please enter path for CATALINA_HOME (Blank => Skip configuration of existing Tomcat and install some):
Do you want to install the included Tomcat application now? (Y/n, Blank => Yes):
> y
Starting OpenEMM Update ...
Please enter password (Blank => Cancel):
If you get past the installation and solved the problems with the password ...
OpenEMM still doesn´t start the Application...

Code: Select all
= OpenEMM Maintenance Tool (OMT) v22.10.015 =
Root mode: On
Hostname: localhost.localdomain
OpenEMM License: OpenEMM (ID: 0)
OpenEMM Runtime Version: 22.10.023
OpenEMM Version:
Current menu: Show OpenEMM status
OpenEMM status:
Operating System (OS): Alma 9
Python version: 3.9.14
Postfix Version: 3.5.9
Database client version: /usr/bin/mariadb Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.5.16-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
Database Connection: OK
System-Time: 2023-05-18 17:32:29
System-Time-DB: 2023-05-18 17:32:29
Database version: MariaDB 10.5.16-MariaDB
OpenEMM database structure exists (Version 23.01.436)
Database table emm_db_errorlog_tbl: OK
Jobqueue status: OK
DKIM keys available for domains: None
Java version: 11.0.18 (Oracle)
Tomcat version:
Tomcat-Native version: 1.2.36
Wkhtml version: wkhtmltopdf (with patched qt)
OpenEMM Application is NOT running
OpenEMM Backend ok: once
OpenEMM Backend running: mailout, update, trigger, generate, mta, pickdist, slrtscn, direct-path, bav-update, bavd, bav, mlcontrol
I tried today with Runtime 22.10.023, it doesn´t start the Application.
Installation seems fine.