[Feedback] OpenEMM 22.04 works on Almalinux 9

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[Feedback] OpenEMM 22.04 works on Almalinux 9

Post by JuergenB »

I was bored, so I installed OpenEMM on Almalinux 9

I had some problems with openemm-runtime-22.04.008.tar.gz with AlmaLinux 8.6 (mainly some bugs in runtime emm.sh).

So why not install it on AlmaLinux with Python 3.9 and MariaDB 10.5.16
Admin Guide had some minor missing information and some parts needed modification, but it´s up and running.

Code: Select all

= OpenEMM Maintenance Tool (OMT) v22.04.008 =
Root mode: On
Hostname: localhost.localdomain
OpenEMM License: OpenEMM (ID: 0)
OpenEMM Runtime Version: 22.04.008
OpenEMM Version:
System-Url: https://emm.winpaccs.com

Current menu: Show OpenEMM status

OpenEMM status:
Operating System (OS): Alma 9
Python version: 3.9.10
Postfix Version: 3.5.9
Database client version: /usr/bin/mariadb  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.5.16-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper
Database Connection: OK
System-Time: 2022-10-20 18:22:51
System-Time-DB: 2022-10-20 18:22:51
Database version: MariaDB 10.5.16-MariaDB
OpenEMM database structure exists (Version 22.07.127)
Database table emm_db_errorlog_tbl: OK
Jobqueue status: OK
DKIM keys available for domains: None
Java version: (Oracle)
Tomcat version:
Tomcat-Native version: 1.2.35
Wkhtml version: wkhtmltopdf 0.12.6 (with patched qt)
OpenEMM Application is running (Tomcat ProcessID: 15614, started at: 18:21 0:56)
OpenEMM Backend ok: once
OpenEMM Backend running: mailout, update, trigger, generate, mta, pickdist, slrtscn, direct-path, bav-update, bavd, bav, mlcontrol
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Re: [Feedback] OpenEMM 22.04 works on Almalinux 9

Post by maschoff »

Admin Guide had some minor missing information and some parts needed modification
Could you please provide some hints?
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Re: [Feedback] OpenEMM 22.04 works on Almalinux 9

Post by JuergenB »

here are some information for the Admin Guide 22.04 1.0.0

The admin guide is quite well written and addresses most of the problems.

But i am stll missing someone, who reads the admin guide, takes a scratch installation like AlmaLinux 9.0 or 8.6
and walks through this guide. I think this would avoid some inconsistencies.

very good product, keep it up 8)

Here are a few comments that caught my eye. :D
I used the latest Runtime 22.04.008

Runtime is buggy
first and most anoying ...

the installer can´t install tomcat-native during OMT.sh and installing the packages or the environment.

The installer emm.sh doesn´t check for the opensource version, looks like only the retail is verified.
The installer can´t setup SSL properly.

This should have been detected on a scratch installation with AlmaLinux 8.6 oder 9.0

Base Packages for AlmaLinux 9.0

With AlmaLinux you need additional Packages
  • redhat-rpm-config
  • compat-openssl11
  • mariadb-connector-c-devel
  • python3 python3-devel python3-pip python3-requests
you need different pip modules

With wheel, most of the pip modules will install smoothly ..

pycrypto doesn´t work properly and you should use pycryptodome

MariDB should be installed with the correct version 1.1.4

postfix sendmail-milter is no longer supported with AlmaLinux 9.0

OpenEMM 22.04.008 runtime installer can´t install tomcat native and i needed to install this manually from source tomcat-native-1.2.35-src.tar.gz

emm.sh script needs this additional line


i added the export Tomcat to setenv.sh

sed -i 's/export TOMCAT_NATIVE=/export TOMCAT_NATIVE=\"\/home\/openemm\/opt\/tomcat-native\"/' /home/openemm/bin/setenv.sh

Documentation related
Only a few

Page 9, 3.1 Software Stack

This is the software stack required by OpenEMM 22.04:
64-bit version of RHEL 7 or 8 or compatible distribution like AlmaLinux or SLES 15

AlmaLinux 9.0 uses additional or different settings vs. RHEL

Page 50, 12.1.1 HTTPS for Tomcat

The tomat symlink tomcat-native links seems wrong to me.

ln -s /home/openemm/opt/tomcat-native-1.2.35 /home/openemm/opt/tomcat/tomcat-native

I use this one

ln -s /home/openemm/opt/tomcat-native-1.2.35 /home/openemm/opt/tomcat-native

Page 51 is talking about tomcat 8 and 9 .. what about 10 ?

and maybe some more
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Re: [Feedback] OpenEMM 22.04 works on Almalinux 9

Post by jim_frey »

Sadly I tried the OpenEMM install manual for a new install on Almalinux 9 and didn't get very far before I was stuck.
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Re: [Feedback] OpenEMM 22.04 works on Almalinux 9

Post by maschoff »

Jim, OpenEMM 23.10 will support AlmaLinux 9 for sure.
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Re: [Feedback] OpenEMM 22.04 works on Almalinux 9

Post by JuergenB »


OpenEMM 22.10.027 can be installed on Almalinux 9.2 without major problems.
Just install the basic requirements, compile tomcat-native 1.2.37 and you are up and running with basic installation.
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Re: [Feedback] OpenEMM 22.04 works on Almalinux 9

Post by jim_frey »

Thank you. I think it may be time for me to upgrade to EMM Xpress though. :mrgreen:
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