Problem with OpenEMM 5.3.2?

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RPM vs. tar.gz

Post by maschoff »

Honestly, we have no idea why xmlback in the RPM file does not work sometimes (its works on all of our test machines) while the tar.gz file seems to work always. I don't want to blame anybody, but maybe (only this time) the bug is not in our software but in the rpm software of some Linux distributions? We tried to figure out some internals of the rpm format but had to give up due to time constraints.
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Post by along » wrote:I had the same problem with the RPM (on Fedora 6) which I downloaded and installed after january 7.
I followed the hint and I pulled the xmlback from the OpenEMM-5.3.2-bin.tar.gz file and now I can send testmails.
Can you elaborate at all... I tried this once and I got a version mis-match error, due, I thought, to the fact that the xmlback in OpenEMM-5.3.2-bin.tar is 2568 K, while the xml back in OpenEMM-5.3.2-2.i386.rpm is only 860 K. Am I missing something?

- Andrew
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Post by ud »

Simple solution: the TAR file is the original build source for the RPM where the binary is not stripped. During the build process of the RPM the binary is stripped, so its smaller then, but should not lack any functionality.

The version mismatch may be a missing/empty blockmail.dtd file. If your binary failed before, you have to restart the whole OpenEMM when you have replaced the binary (in detail, it is enough to restart pickdist using " stop; start" as herein the blockmail.dtd will be recreated.)

-- ud
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Post by along »

OK, I got it working this time using xmlback from the tar file. The only strange thing I encountered is that running the rpm upgrade as root caused my /tmp directory to be chown'ed to the openemm user. Once I returned the permissions and ownership on /tmp, everything works properly... so far:)

Thanks all.

- Andrew
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Post by joostvb »

I had the same problem as the topic starter. I'm using the VMWare image of 5.3.2. Installed it yesterday.
Replacing xmlback by the version found in the binary TAR of 5.3.2 (OpenEMM-5.3.2-bin.tar.gz) fixed the problem.
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xmlback file

Post by marton »

yep, i can confirm this. replacing the xmlback file from the gunzip package seems to work... the rpm package seems to be corrupt maybe?

cheerio, marton
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Post by maschoff »

This problem is fixed now with the new RPM file OpenEMM-5.3.2-3.i386.rpm ( ... _id=168937). A new VMX version will follow soon.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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