Problems to send emails

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Problems to send emails

Post by m0rpheu5 »

I installed openemm like manuals says to install using rpm on Fedora, everything appears fine, but when i try to send a email, appears to me:

Generated emails: 3
Sent emails: 0
Total emails: 3

But the emails don´t arrive to the destination, and there is nothing on mail queue, what could be??

Please anybody help me hehehe
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Post by maschoff »

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Post by larubbio »

I am having the same issue, and the document listed above was not enough to solve the issue.

In my pickdist log I see this message:

Code: Select all

[30.12.2007  16:57:39] 24405 ERROR/block: Failed to execute mail creator "xmlback '-vlogenerate:account-logfile=var/spool/log/account.log;media=email;path=/home/openemm/var/spool/QUEUE' '/home/openemm/var/spool/META/AgnMail=D20071230165737=1=3=001=liaMngA.xml.gz'" with 11
When I run that command by hand I get a Segmentation fault
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Post by ud »

Looks like you have a problem with the xmlback binary. Unfortunately this is not the first case, but we cannot reproduce the error here. One reported solution : fetch the .tar.gz file and use the xmlback found in this package. If this still does not solve the problem, you can compile the binary from the source package for your system.

-- ud
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Post by maschoff »

we re-uploaded the RPM file of release 5.3.2. Maybe this will help.
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Post by along »

ud wrote:Looks like you have a problem with the xmlback binary. Unfortunately this is not the first case, but we cannot reproduce the error here. One reported solution : fetch the .tar.gz file and use the xmlback found in this package. If this still does not solve the problem, you can compile the binary from the source package for your system.

-- ud
Unless I'm mistaken, the xmlback contained in OpenEMM-5.3.2-bin.tar.gz is 2630514 bytes, while the one provided in the 5.3.2-2 rpm is 881528 bytes???

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Post by along »

Just as matter of housekeeping, the following was posted in another thread, answering the question regarding the differing file sizes...
Simple solution: the TAR file is the original build source for the RPM where the binary is not stripped. During the build process of the RPM the binary is stripped, so its smaller then, but should not lack any functionality.

The version mismatch may be a missing/empty blockmail.dtd file. If your binary failed before, you have to restart the whole OpenEMM when you have replaced the binary (in detail, it is enough to restart pickdist using " stop; start" as herein the blockmail.dtd will be recreated.)

-- ud
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