Delivery times for large target groups?

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Delivery times for large target groups?

Post by jallenhunt »

Hi there.

Can anyone give me a ballpark or close guess of how many emails OpenEMM can handle?

For example If i have 100k or 1 million emails. How quick can this be sent out?

Can 1 million emails be sent out within a few hours? I'm sure some other factors depend on it but would like a estimate if possible, thank you.
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Re: Delivery times for large target groups?

Post by maschoff »

Instances of the commercial version of OpenEMM, which is based on the same code, handle up to several hundred millions emails per month. Limitations are set by the capability of the hardware you use, the size of the emails you plan to send and the reception speed offered by the mailbox provders you address.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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