date_tbl ?

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date_tbl ?

Post by CIX88 »

i see in mailgun.log:

Code: Select all

[12.03.2008  09:08:26] DEBUG/dbase/(1/1/5/7): DB-Exec: SELECT format FROM date_tbl WHERE type = 0
[12.03.2008  09:08:26] DEBUG/dbase/(1/1/5/7): DB-Exec failed: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'openemm.date_tbl' doesn't exist
[12.03.2008  09:08:26] WARNING/emmtag/(1/1/5/7): Query failed for data_tbl: java.lang.Exception: Query SELECT format FROM date_tbl WHERE type = 0 failed: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'openemm.date_tbl' doesn't exist
what is that?
create java this table?