track urls by user

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track urls by user

Post by adegoede »

Hi everyone,

I'm a bit of an newby with openemm and I am testing the system for my needs. At this moment I have a need that I cannot find. Maybe you guys can help me!

I understand that we can track the url's in a mailing, but I would like to have a report of the persons witch have actually clicked this url. So for example i have 4 urls in de mailing. After the mailing I would like to make a report of all receipts that receive mailing XX. Can enyone tell me how to do this?
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how to identify clicking users

Post by maschoff »

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Also for multi links?

Post by adegoede »

Thanks for your reply, I have tried but don't think this is what i mean. What i would like to do:

Send a newsletter with links to 4 articles on a remote server. Later I would like to know witch customers have have clicked witch url. So for example an export of all receivers that have clicked link XXX. And another export if all receivers of newsletter XXX.

Maybe I do something wrong and can you help again! Thanx!

Best regards,
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Post by maschoff »

No problem, just expand my first solution: Define a profile field for each link, define an action for each link and link each link with the corresponding action. After the mailing has been sent use the status of each profile field as an export filter, i.e. instead of one profile field, one action and one export, work with four profile fields, four actions and four exports.
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Post by abmm »

Hi everyone,

I'm a bit of an newbee with openemm and I am testing the system for my needs. At this moment I have a need that I cannot find. Please help.

I have followed these steps to track the clicks on the URL.

1.Define a new numeric data field "clickcount" with default value 0 and length 3.
2. Set up an action "link feedback" which sets the content of the field "clickcount" to 1 to actually count link clicks.
3. When creating a mailing, i have used the "trackable links" tab to connect action "link feedback" with the link to monitor clicks.

This is of no help....The statistics does not show any click records

Please help, as the requirement is very criticle.... :cry: :cry:
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Post by christian.lang »

As far as you wrote here you only want a tracking how often somebody clicked each of your links.
This thread discusses, how a User-Specific Link-tracking is possible (to find out WHICH customer clicked which of the Links).
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