Statistics for admins/test recipients

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Statistics for admins/test recipients

Post by fred »


I've created some test mailings to play with my new OpenEMM install After sending some test runs to admins and test recipients I noticed that in the statistics these test runs get added to the sent mailings. Also clicked/viewed mailings get counted.

On one hand it's nice to be able to see that your test mailing works correctly, but the final stastistics will be contaminated after the test run.

However I haven't made a real mailing send-out yet. Have I missed a manual reference that says that the statistics will be reset to zero as soon as a real mailing is started, or are the test run mailings untouched and added to the total?


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remove admins and test recipients from statistics

Post by maschoff »

Sorry, our fault! The next version of OpenEMM will include a button to remove the impact of admins and test recipients from the mailing statistics.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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