subscribe form - very confused

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subscribe form - very confused

Post by along »

I could really use some help with this. The documentation, as I read it, is either very incomplete or wrong, and I am admittedly a noobie with forms and OpenEMM.

I follow the manual to create a subscribe form and the accompanying actions and all that gets returned is the error.

For one thing, the manual states "the HTML code for the success form does not feature the hidden field with the user ID (agnUID)", but the sample form that follows DOES include it:
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="agnCI" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="agnFN" value="SaveProfile">
<input type="hidden" name="agnUID" value="$agnUID">
I am also confused because the sample code does not resembe at all the forms I see posted in the forums by people who know far more than I...

Example ( ... ight=forms):
<form name="subform" method="post" action="" >
<input type="hidden" name="agnCI" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="agnFN" value="subscribe">
<input type="hidden" name="agnSUBSCRIBE" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="agnMAILINGLIST" value="1">
The example in the docs look nothing like this. I understand some differences, like the fact that the example directly above passes some variables directly that would (according to docs) be passed in the URL (like agnCI and agnFN), but the sample in the docs includes nothing for passing the agnMAILINGLIST, and does not describe how to associate the subscribtion to any mailing list.

Would it be possible for someone to post a working subscribe form as well as a description of the actions (double-opt not needed for now)?

- Andrew
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Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:52 pm

Post by along »

Sorry to report that we have decided to go with a commercial product. The documentation and support here are just not adequate. I tried like the dickens to get this system running for about 2 months now and feel like all I got was bruises...
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Post by harfst »

I agree with you completely - this seems like a good system but documentation and support are very inadequate. If I don't get it working today, we may go the same route...
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Post by sturmey »

The documentation for this product is abysmal. The people who created the user manual should be ashamed of how inadequate it is.

Has anyone successfully used the "manual" to get openemm working?
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Post by harfst »

Successfully used the manual? No.

Got it working? Yes.

sturmey wrote:The documentation for this product is abysmal. The people who created the user manual should be ashamed of how inadequate it is.

Has anyone successfully used the "manual" to get openemm working?
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better documentation

Post by maschoff »

I agree that our documentation is not perfect since it was written by us, the developers. However, this is open source. If you are a user and have mastered a task that you think is not well described in the manual, you are free to contribute rewritten paragraphs, pages or chapters and we will happily include it into the next release for the benefit of the whole community. Thank you!
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Post by sturmey »

So then,
What do actions do? I can't figure it out, I followed the steps in the manual but they don't really tell me what I'm doing. I know I have to have them for something, but I have no idea why.

Second, What can I put in forms? How do I get the forms to trigger actions? What are the variable names I can use in a form and what is the naming scheme so that I can figure out what the hell I'm doing?

So far it looks like the form is an "if > else" loop like in php or shell scripting, but I can't figure out how to get the error submit to trigger the success.
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