Target group specifications are saved in the dyn_target_tbl table. When you follow the instructions in the OpenEMM documentation, section 5.3.2 Date Functions, regarding current_timestamp, the value OpenEMM puts into the target_sql column is invalid SQL and does not work.
The work around is to manually update the dyn_target_tbl table and change the target_sql value as follows.
wrong: date_format(cust.created, '%Y%m%d') ='current_timestamp-1'
right: date_format(cust.created, '%Y%m%d') = date_format(current_timestamp, '%Y%m%d')-1
current_timestamp in target_sql
Moderator: moderator
Thanks for this information! I had the same problem, your "hotfix" saved my day / night! It would be great if this could be fixed soon since this is an uggly bug.
Best regards,
BTW - here is my sql statement:
You should of course adapt the target_id.
Thanks for this information! I had the same problem, your "hotfix" saved my day / night! It would be great if this could be fixed soon since this is an uggly bug.

Best regards,
BTW - here is my sql statement:
Code: Select all
update dyn_target_tbl set target_sql = "date_format(cust.birthday_lastdate, '%Y%m%d') = date_format(current_timestamp, '%Y%m%d')" where target_id = 2;