UNSUBSCRIBE filter in bav.rule

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UNSUBSCRIBE filter in bav.rule

Post by vantech »

Hi everyone,

I installed OpenEMM-5.4.0 and testing the bounce filter. In the bav.rule, I see the following line in the [filter] section.

{unsubscribe}^Subject: .*UNSUBSCRIBE.*

I don't understand why it should be in there. If I manually send an email with subject "please unsubscribe me" to my bounce filter address, OpenEMM will not forward it just because of that line. However, we do need it to be fowarded. I think it just makes the filter work the opposite way.
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Post by maschoff »

if you want to avoid filtering inbound mails with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line just delete the line from bav.rule.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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