OpenEMM and DKIM

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OpenEMM and DKIM

Post by DanO »

Has any one successfully setup OpenEMM to sign their outgoing mails with DKIM milters? I'm finding the instructions for setting sendmail up would probably break OpenEMM as it messes with the mail transport paths.

Thanks in advance.
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Post by SimonMoore »

I have tried unsuccesfully. Sendmail I've set up fine and can email from command line and DKIM gets put in the headers, but things sent from OpenEmm don't get the header inserted, don't know why. (OpenEmm continues to work fine). Can anyone help us?
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Post by maschoff »

OpenEMM generates spool files directly. Changing that is 2-3 development days effort and has no priority for us right now (might change with DKIM becoming more significance).
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Post by SimonMoore »

ma wrote:OpenEMM generates spool files directly. Changing that is 2-3 development days effort and has no priority for us right now (might change with DKIM becoming more significance).
I am wondering if it is possible to work around by getting OpenEmm to relay to another mail server which then does the final delivery? That way DKIM / Domain Keys / Virus checking and all the other things people may want to add to outgoing email can easily be facilitied without changing openEmm sourcecode each time?

If you can point me in the right direction I'll be happy to write a how to back to this forum to help out others.

BTW. We analysed all our outgoing mail and about 20% of our mail (we are in UK) goes to accounts using DKIM, primarily web based email accounts.
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