Add UK Date format

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Add UK Date format

Post by lord_alan »


Firstly, thanks for what looks like a great OSS product and an excellent manual! I haven't used it in anger yet but my tests in a VM show it be very capable.

I managed to work this out myself in the end, but for us in the UK, when using the [agnDATE type="x"] tag, the formats supplied do not correspond with our accepted norms.

To fix this I inserted a new date layout into the database as follows:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `date_tbl` (`type`, `format`) VALUES (4, 'dd/MM/yyyy');
This now generates the date pattern as it is used here in the UK.

Could I suggest that this gets added to the openemm.sql file?

I have started to collect some errata for the manual. If someone lets me know who would like it I will gladly forward it. It is mainly spelling mistakes and English grammar but they are only a few considering where it came from.

Thanks again,

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Post by maschoff »

OK, you are right, we will include more date formats by default in the next release.

You can send any corrections to contact AT openemm DOT org and we will gladly include them into the next release of the user manual!
OpenEMM Maintainer
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