Problem sending emails: Memory?

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Problem sending emails: Memory?

Post by newwisdom »


My company has an email to send to roughly 300'000 recipients.
However everytime we try to send it, we get the following error:

Code: Select all

500 Servlet Exception
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
There's a long list of other problems listed after this which looks a lot like this -
(Unfortunately I didn't copy the whole error list)

I'm assuming it's because we don't have enough RAM to send it...
The email with the images is roughly 255kb.
How much RAM should we have to be able to send this out?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Post by maschoff »

First, increase the minimum and maximum memory allocated to the Java VM in file in directory /home/openemm/bin via the args parameter like

args="-J-Xms256m -J-Xmx512m"

If this is not enough, you should increase your RAM to at least 1 GByte, better 2 GByte and modify the args parameter accordingly.
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Post by newwisdom »

Thank you so much for your reply, this has resolved the memory issue.

Although I now have the same problem as this: ... 0000+mails

My mails get stuck at 10'000
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Post by maschoff »

OpenEMM works with a block size of 5,000 and refills Sendmail's queue only, if it contain 5,000 mails or less.

This leads to the effect that at the start of a mailing (when the queue is empty) OpenEMM pushs 2 x 5,000 mails into the Sendmail queue, which is reported to the frontend statistic module. The frontend report is only updated when OpenEMM pushs the next mail block into the queue.

It seems to be, that your queue is clogged and Sendmail can not send the mails (or, at least, it sends less than 5,000).

You should have a look at Sendmail's mail log (usually in /var/log/maillog). One reason could be that you use a dialup connection to send mails and you are blocked or slowed down by the receiving SMTP servers.
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Post by henry_shadowjet »

Sounds very understandable, ma. From the reports I got, it looks like our e-mails are being deferred by Hotmail. Is there anything we can do on our end?

Or do we have to leave our fate in the hands of the receiving SMTP servers?

Thanks in advance :)

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Post by maschoff »

You should implement Hotmail's feedback loop. Whenever a receiver complaints about you, Hotmail sends you his/her address so that you can unsubscribe the receiver and lower the complaint rate.

If you send to Hotmail for the first time you should start with a small list size, because if Hotmails does not know you (i.e. your IP address) it treads you like a spammer ...
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Post by henry_shadowjet »

Hi ma,

It's been a while. I'm very thankful for all your help.

I've been searching for some time for this Hotmail Feedback Loop. I'll admit I didn't spend a huge amount of time, but I did spend some, and unfortunately the result is I'm not entirely sure how to implement the Hotmail Feedback Loop and integrate it into OpenEMM.

Is there any suggestion anyone can put forward?

Any help would be appreciated :)

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