Documentation 5.0rev3 problems

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Documentation 5.0rev3 problems

Post by fred »


I've just installed OpenEMM 5.0.2 and worked my way through the manual.

The Install PDF is excellent. Great work. the OpenEMM_UserManual_5.0_Rev3.pdf however has a number of errors which could be very frustrating for a first time user testing OpenEMM.

Page 77, fig 6.26. Where do those birthdays and car interests come from?
Page 94, fig 7.1.
Page 115, fig 9.1 caption. Where is the meaningfull name or warning that a meaningfull name has not been given?
page 121, fig 9.7. Not activate changes, but activate mailing.
page 124 fig 9.12. Doesn't selecting the default action set the action for all links? There's only one link active at the moment, but shouldn't the user edit the available link and set the action on the link itself?

- Typing errors in explaining of tags and functionality.

Page 74 : "Please note: This setting “only html versionâ€
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Post by fred »

One more:

page 163, handbook 5.0rev3. The first form example. Misses an </select> at the end of the gender options list in the form.

From a devepment perspective: isn't it a bit strange to hard code the Mr, Mrs unknown in the form when we have a list in the console under settings for 'forms of salution'? Can't these be fetched from that table instead?

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feedback on manual

Post by maschoff »

Thanks a lot for your extensive feedback! The manual has been derived from our commercial product manual and may contain obsolete content or errors. We will check your points and correct/clarify the manual where necessary for Rev4!
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Post by sfantul »

another one :
page 62- Sender E-mail ,Sender Full name, Reply-to Full name
Here it is a mess from my point of view.
The Reply-to address is the address to be used for replies. You should therefore use a meaningful address, such as, which does in fact exist.
What reply-to address ?!!
Please note: This e-mail address has nothing to do with the sender address which you specified when defining that particular mailing list. The address of the mailing list is only of interest for the web interface, opting in and opting out (see chapters 3.1 and 11).
What are u talking about with the sender adress when i defined the mailing list. There is no sender address field when defining new mailing lists (only name and description).

It is possible to assign different names to the sender’s real-name address (sender’s name) and the reply-to address (answer name). The actual e-mail address behind the names remains the same, they are just differentiated by the name displayed. The different names may be entered into the template into the Sender’s name and Reply-to Name respectively. If you enter only one name, e.g. into the Sender’s name field, it will be used as the Reply-to Name.
I sincerlly dont understand anything from this.

The only thing that makes logic to me would be if the "reply-to full name " field expects for us to enter a name defined in the bounce filter area
and in this way to link the mailing to the adresses that should be inserted in the mails to be the reply-to address.

If u can please answer to this post or to the topic about bounce management before the rev4.

Thanks for the answering master

Post by hwittekopf »

Thanks a lot for the answering master.
I have waited for a long time.
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Wiki for Documentation

Post by maschoff »

FYI: To simplify feedback on the OpenEMM documentation we decided to implement a Wiki for the OpenEMM documentation.

This DocuWiki will be based on the software MediaWiki and offer the install guide(s) and the user manual in a wiki format and allow amendments, comments and corrections by the community. We plan to launch the DocuWiki at the end of this month. Stay tuned!
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new revision of documentation

Post by maschoff »

Rev4 of the OpenEMM manual is now online. Thanks again for your feedback!

The manual will be available in an easy digestable and correctable version soon:

Stay tuned ...
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