Mail Archive Display

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Mail Archive Display

Post by lord_alan »

Using the form display_archive_mail as described in the manual is nice. But I want it to be nicer ;-)

For example, It would be really nice to have to extra things possible:

1. Have a "Guest" user so you could provide on your website an archive of all previous emails to anyone who happened to be passing - not just those who have already received it before.

2. Remember the Date the mail was originally sent so when you view the archives, it shows the actual mailing date and not today's date - I realise I could remove the [agnDATE type="4"] from the mail and manually type it in, but surely this parameter should be recorded as a static value once a mail has been sent anyway?

3. Also, is there a variable in the scripting language that I could use in the Form so I could add the mailing date to the layout of the archive list? If there isn't could you add one?

Does this all make sense?


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Post by maschoff »

Nice wishlist, but even our commercial version does not offer this functionality. :-)

However, we will introduce an extension feature with version 6.0 so that it will be easier for the community to contribute new features to OpenEMM independently from our roadmap.
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Post by lord_alan »

OK - So the first bit is quite easy I guess. I can just create a "Guest User" in the recipient list. And they probably only need to be a "test" user or some such just so we can get an agnUID.

The date thing is a bit odd. I'm surprised that this hasn't been asked for before. The send date and time is stored in the maildrop_status_tbl table so it is doesn't look like it should be that hard to retrieve ;-)
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Post by maschoff »

No problem, just send me the modified code! ;-)
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Post by lord_alan »

Ha Ha,

Funny - I just started looking at the docs for Velocity ;-)

Hopefully one day when I get some time I will.

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