We have defined an additional field in the customer_1_tbl called login_date which contains the date of the last user login on our website.
Now we want to define target groups based on this date. For example a special mailing for all users with a login date between now and (now - 30 days).
If i define such a target group the interface expects a date format like "20090524".
Target groups with this format are running very fine, but reguires to define a new target group for every mailing.
so now i would like to define a target group using mysql´s date functions like
Code: Select all
DATE_SUB("2009-06-23", interval 30 day);
Or will it work if i inject the function directly in the database and bypass the interface?
Additionally it would be great if there is a possibility to select "less or equal" (<=) and "greater or equal" (>=) and not only "greater" or "lesser"