"trial" version of a newsletter

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"trial" version of a newsletter

Post by sti »

Hi. I'm looking for a solution to make "trial" version of a newsletter.

Users add them selves to a newsletter. They get the newsletter for 14 days, then their subscription ends, and they get a mail telling them to contact us if they want to still recive the newsletter.

Is this possible with OpenEMM?
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Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:30 am

Post by diax »


yes, i think it's possible, but it would require a target group to be updated daily.

My first idea is to create a Target Group that would target recipients whose creation date is newer than 14 days ago. For example, if its the 3rd of september you would create a rule like

Code: Select all

creation_date > 20080820 YYYYMMDD 
But you would have to update this target group rule every day.

I browsed the source code and it seems that a small date-algebra was thought of. You can use the keyword "sysdate" to reference the actual date (this part works!) and the system accepts input in form of "sysdate+<number>" and "sysdate-<number>". Sadly, it doesn't seem to be evaluated! :(

If it would, you could exchange the date "20080820" above with "sysdate-14" and it should work pretty well.

Maybe some OpenEMM-developer can give a statement about this?
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Post by maschoff »

We posted a bugfix for date algebra here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.ph ... tid=848488
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