6.0 installation resin restart

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6.0 installation resin restart

Post by leeburstroghm »

I understand that sendmail is not required. for 6.0 to work. qmail is what is being used in my case.

I am also on a virtual dedicated server.. plesk 8 environment. is this an issue?

I have tried the install script, many times, and by hand isntall. both with same results. no 8080 access. and the resin httpd start keeps restarting indefinately.

ps list shows a <java> process as <defunct> after starting the OpenEmm.sh start script.

I installed java 6 17 jdk from http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/widget/jdk6.jsp

I did wonder and did set the owner for opt/openemm.org/software to openemm. running /opt/openemm.org/software/java/bin/java -version is successful.

Will someone PLEASE help me understand why OpenEmm is not coming up and why resin seems to be restarting every few minutes?

I am on Centos 5. this seems to be a JDK issue. http://www.openemm.org/forums/ftopic671.html I have run out of ideas.. please help!
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Post by leeburstroghm »

I found the disable sendmail
This did not stop resin from restarting and I still have the
openemm 3583 3581 0 19:54 pts/1 00:00:00 [java] <defunct>
process showing with ps -ef

any ideas??!!

Why is the java <defunct>? how can I, where are the logs or info to find out?
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Post by leeburstroghm »

this is the same issue. I am on a dedicated virtual..


I found the logs located in core/log and saw the errors..

Could not create the Java virtual machine.
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap

how do we solve this?
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Post by maschoff »

1. When using the internal SMTP server of OpenEMM no other SMTP server must be active on the same machine.

2. If you need more memory, you either have to allocate it (see install guide) or your machine needs more memory. Since it is a virtual server, probably the latter.
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Post by leeburstroghm »

I have been through this installation guide many times
http://softlayer.dl.sourceforge.net/pro ... lGuide.pdf

there is no information about how to allocate more memory. is the information in an older install guide?


about the smtp server, is it only sendmail or the internal openemm server? I was under the impression that you could disable the sendmail portion and use what ever smtp MTA was currently being used ont he host. like qmail in this case.

Does this mean that the server that OpeEMM is installed on is not able to be used as your main company email server?
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Post by maschoff »

See section "5.5 Out of memory"

Either sendmail or internal SMTP server. See first paragraph of section "6 SMTP Server/MTA". I think the description is VERY clear about it:
"If you use the internal SMTP server of OpenEMM, please make sure that no other MTA (like Postfix, qmail or Exim) is active on your machine!"
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Post by leeburstroghm »

Yeas I found the entry and the place in core.sh to set the min and max.

this fixed the issue, and resin started. I get the page at :8080

when I try and log in I get a new error..

Resin can't execute the compiler `/bin/sh'. This usually means that the
compiler is not in the operating system's PATH or the compiler is incorrectly
specified in the configuration. You may need to add the full path to <java

java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/bin/sh": java.io.IOException:
error=12, Cannot allocate memory

any ideas? help?
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Post by leeburstroghm »

this all seems to be related to my server VPS setup and memory allocation

I have 512 available. and the core.sh allocates 512 for max. Java wants Contiguous memory, so that is prob not available. to me. by modifying the sizes, the max to 320, I am able to get the resin to start and show the default page at :8080 but I get other java memory errors.

I will try and get my host to give me more memory to try with larger memory. ??! this is becoming a pain.!
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