Database management

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Database management

Post by Bernard »

How does an administrator level user delete multiple records and pack the recipient database?
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Post by maschoff »

To delete a set of records define a new target group which contains all records to be deleted and select option "Delete recipients of this target".

to backup the database please see the install guide, section uninstall/update.
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Post by Bernard »

Many thanks for the help.
Posts: 8
Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:34 am

Post by roger »

Just as a follow up, the docs do not cover the packing of a database table and it's indexes.

You can do this in a number of ways

a) You can install a tools such as MySQL Administrator and use the maintanance option on the table you wich to pack.

b) You can use the following SQL command from within a command line tool

optimize table [table name]

I find that installing MySQL Administrator is very useful as it gives a good overview of the system and allows system based scheduled backups to be setup.
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