Resume sending

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Resume sending

Post by slajar »

thank you for the great email delivering system.
Does anyone know how I can restart/resume a current sending?
Actually, it stopped at 18,625 from 38,625 clients. It's quite bad since I'f like to deliver the newsletter to all of them.
I just searched the forum and the docs and I couldn't find anything like that.

There are no mails left in the QUEUE, that's quite surprising since the OpenEMM UI shows there are 20.000 left.

Does anyone have an idea?

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Post by maschoff »

Which queue did you check? Sendmail's default queue or OpenEMM's queue? The latter is the right one. If this queue is really empty please check if pickdist process is active.
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Post by slajar »

thank you for your reply.

Yes it's OpenEMM's queue AND the sendmails queue. The pickdist is running. Actually, if I send our trial messages they are delivered or even when I start a new sendout to a small group of internal receipiants there are sent and received.
I assume there must be some kind of a resume for
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Post by maschoff »

Do you use a smart-relay which limits the amount of mails you are allowed to send?

You could restart OpenEMM to check if there is anything pickdist can resume. Otherwise, I have no idea what went wrong.
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Post by slajar »

thanks again for answering.

I have no smart-relay.
Actually, I restartet OpenEMM multiple times and pickdist didn't resume anything. I assume we have been trapped in a very mysterious error case with our campaign.

Is there any posibility to get to know how far it was? Maybe there is a real order, so I could just copy this campaign and restart it at the same point.
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Post by lvn »

In the sendmailq you could check to which recipients the mail has already been sent. On this base you can resend the mailing..
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