OpenEMM on Amazon EC2

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OpenEMM on Amazon EC2

Post by ericchaves »

Hi Folks,

I'd like to setup an openemm server at amazon cloud service (EC2) for testing & learning purposes. Using an EC2 server has two main implications for mail-marketing applications:

1-Amazon limits the amount of mail that could be sent to a very *short* number to prevent spammers from using they're infrastructure.
2-There is no way (that I know of) to register the reverse DNS of an Amazon IP adress (both Elastic IP and the dynamic one).

Since I'm planning to use this machine for learning purposes only, the first question is not a problem. The second however seems to be as I found several posts stating that the lack of a proper reverse DNS may present problem to sendmail.

What I'd like to ask is:

1-Is that really problem? Why sendmail depends on a proper reverse DNS entry?
2-If needed can I use configure sendmail to use a "smartrelay" (i.e. send all messages to a external SMTP server) ?
2.1- What problems could arise from this configuration?
2.2-If the use of a smartrelay, do I still need to configure the reverse DNS?

Thansk in advance,