Post Installation Errors

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Post Installation Errors

Post by DougICG »

Just got OpenEMM installed. Was able to login. Click on a link (such as campaigns) and get the following error:
javax.servlet.ServletException: com.caucho.jsp.JspParseException: ---------- 1. ERROR in _jsp/_mailing/ (at line 117) pageContext.setAttribute("ACTION_USED_ACTIONS", MailingBaseAction.ACTION_USED_ACTIONS ); ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method setAttribute(String, Object) in the type PageContextImpl is not applicable for the arguments (String, int) ---------- 2. ERROR in _jsp/_mailing/ (at line 143) pageContext.setAttribute("ACTION_VIEW", MailingBaseAction.ACTION_VIEW ); ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method setAttribute(String, Object) in the type PageContextImpl is not applicable for the arguments (String, int) ---------- 3. ERROR in _jsp/_mailing/ (at line 145) pageContext.setAttribute("ACTION_CONFIRM_DELETE", MailingBaseAction.ACTION_CONFIRM_DELETE ); ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method setAttribute(String, Object) in the type PageContextImpl is not applicable for the arguments (String, int) ---------- 4. ERROR in _jsp/_mailing/ (at line 147) pageContext.setAttribute("ACTION_LIST", MailingBaseAction.ACTION_LIST); ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method setAttribute(String, Object) in the type PageContextImpl is not applicable for the arguments (String, int) ---------- 4 problems (4 errors)

Any ideas?
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:49 pm

Post by calicojack »

I got similar errors until I installed the newest version of JDK. Also remember to delete the link to the old JDK when you install.
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