Can I only send HTML version without text version?

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Can I only send HTML version without text version?

Post by leonccc »

Dear all, I am a new user of openemm,when I want to sent a test mail only have a HTML version, it promote the error: text version is not availble!
And I find when I create a new mail, all the mail format must have text version.
Is that mean we must have a text version of the mail?
But most of the time,we only want to send the HTML version, How can I do?

I have tried set both HTML version and text version in the same mail, but the reciver can only see the text content, the HTML version can not show.

Can anybody help me? Thanks a lot...
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Post by maschoff »

You can simply write something like "Sorry, for this mail we do not offer a text version" into the placeholder for text version. However, we strongly advise not do do this because some freemailers show the text version of an HTML mail first.
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Post by pheelix »

you could force the mailing-type to html in the user-profiles.
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