Does OpenEMM installation have to be public facing?

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Does OpenEMM installation have to be public facing?

Post by willcom »

I wonder if you could advise, we're looking to install OpenEMM on a virtual server in our own rack as we want to keep it separate from our main web server.

We will be sending emails from OpenEMM to our external clinents but my question is if we install this on a non public facing server i.e. accessible internally only, will it still work i.e. send emails, manage bouncebacks, sub/unsubscribes etc?

Feedback much appreciated
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Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:15 pm
Location: Farnham, Surrey. UK

Post by lord_alan »

I can't see quite how it would fully work no. The bounces and link-click tracking all need to get back to OpenEMM somehow.

I have read that you can use Apache and mod_proxy to disguise it and even create a separate, secured (https), interface to the admin console which might go some way to helping you.

we haven't done this ourselves yet but there are plenty of examples on the web about setting it up.


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