OpenEMM really slow after upgrade

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OpenEMM really slow after upgrade

Post by Rocco83 »


I have started OpenEMM initially from a vmware image, version 5.5.
Than i moved the image from vmware to xen.
I used for about an year and a half OpenEMM, it was running fast and without problems.

Today i have upgraded to version 6.0.1, taking a `yum upgrade` before that.
Then i have logged in, and performed the auto-upgrade.

Yes, i have had a password for the root mysql user, and yes i have followed the UPDATE.txt with:
mysqladmin -u root -p create openemm_cms
mysql -u root -p openemm_cms < /home/openemm/USR_SHARE/openemm_cms.sql
and also checked for configurations and restarted openemm.

I have also checked that the last sql upgrade to db openemm was performed (checking tables proprieties)

Logged in, no problems at all, and fast.
Then i moved to "Mailings" context, fast.
I have clicked on a past mailing and it takes minutes (2-5) to load.
also copying the mailing is slow as opening.
also modifying the copied mailing is slow as opening.
all openemm links are slow.

stop-start openemm.
First opening of the copied mailings, open fast almost all the page (missing bottom and right border, save and others buttons) but i have clicked somewhere before the full loading was completed, and again all openemm is slow.
stop-start openemm.
click on new mailings, run fast.
click on normal, 2-5 minutes to complete the operation.

Is this a known issue?
I can also attach tcpdump trace, if needed.

i have 512MB of memory, 275 used.
Before the upgrade i have had 384 MB and all was fine, free -m reports a lot of memory free and the virual server itself is running fast.

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Post by maschoff »

Maybe your database has become very big? Please see the latest InstallGuide on how to remove temp tables and clean the bounce table as well as some other tables.
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Post by Rocco83 »

i have had the same parameters according to: ... lGuide.pdf
in step 5.6

i have had dropped the temporary tables.

The DB dumped to text is 14MB, so it is not so big.

Still slow.

Any other hint?

thanks for your support,
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