Automated bulk import

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Automated bulk import

Post by jshipe »

I am evaluating OpenEMM for use with some of our own internal applications, and I'm trying to automate the importing of recipients, but I can't seem to find any built-in functionality for doing so. I've installed the web services piece, which would allow me to import recipients one at a time, but this project has the potential to send more than 500K messages a month, so importing one at a time doesn't sound like the right approach.

Does there already exist a known interface for doing this? If not, what is the most common approach? What I'm looking for here is to use OpenEMM is an added service to an existing set of tools and controls, without using the CMS (all interfaces being programmatic.)

Any suggestions?
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:58 pm

Post by jshipe »

Any small shove in the right direction would be appreciated.
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