Extensions/Integration Questions

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Extensions/Integration Questions

Post by lord_alan »

I've just started looking into (again) creating an interface between our favourite CRM (vtiger) and OpenEMM.

I've just spun up a quick OpenEMM system and ran the scripts provided. I have one specific question on the Client script and one more general question...

1. In the return from EmmSoapClient.sh I get the following:

Code: Select all

openemm@debian:~/webservices$ ./EmmSoapClient.sh
newEmailMailing username password shortname description mailinglistID targetID mailingType templateID emailSubject emailSender emailCharset emailLinefeed emailFormat
newEmailMailingWithReply username password shortname description mailinglistID targetID mailingType templateID emailSubject emailSender emailReply emailCharset emailLinefeed emailFormat
updateEmailMailing username password mailingID shortname description mailinglistID targetID mailingType emailSubject emailSender emailReply emailCharset emailLinefeed emailFormat
insertContent username password mailingID blockName blockContent targetID priority
deleteContent username password contentID
sendMailing username password mailingID sendGroup sendTime stepping blocksize
addMailinglist username password shortname description
deleteMailinglist username password mailinglistID
addSubscriber username password doubleCheck keyColumn overwrite paramNames paramValues
getSubscriber username password customerID
findSubscriber username password keyColumn value
deleteSubscriber username password customerID
setSubscriberBinding username password customerID mailinglistID mediatype status bindingType remark exitMailingID
getSubscriberBinding username password customerID mailinglistID mediatype
updateSubscriber username password customerID paramNames paramValues
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
	at org.agnitas.webservice.EmmWebService_ServiceLocator.getEmmWebService(EmmWebService_ServiceLocator.java:65)
	at org.agnitas.webservice.EmmSoapClient.main(EmmSoapClient.java:62)
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 13
	at org.agnitas.webservice.EmmWebServiceBindingStub.<clinit>(EmmWebServiceBindingStub.java:266)
	... 2 more
Why the error and is it a problem?

2. There are - to my mind - a quite limited number of calls available. For example I see no way of being able to "get" a list of Mailinglist names & IDs, or Mailings & their IDs or return a subscriber search of more than one entry.

This will make creating an "interesting" extension quite hard... Are there any examples where others have used direct database access rather than SOAP to build extensions and how much effort is there in maintaining this as and when upgrades to the db schema occur?


The Way Out Is Open.
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Post by maschoff »

1. This is a bug. See http://www.openemm.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1446. You can change value 13 to 14 to fix it.

2. We started developing a new webservice interface based on Spring WS (instead of Axis) and covering 80% of OpenEMM's functionality. However, this will take some time, so do not expect it before October/November.
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Post by lord_alan »

2. We started developing a new webservice interface based on Spring WS (instead of Axis) and covering 80% of OpenEMM's functionality. However, this will take some time, so do not expect it before October/November.
Oooh - That sounds very interesting. So, if we start on something now using the functionality available today, it should be relatively easy to migrate that work to the new interface?

Is there any documentation or design specs that could help us in the interim period? (I'd be happy to sign an NDA if you need us to).


The Way Out Is Open.
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Post by maschoff »

We have not written the specs yet. But the signatures of the new WS methods will follow the signatures of the old methods.
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Post by lord_alan »

Great that's helpful.

The Way Out Is Open.
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Post by lord_alan »

ma wrote:1. This is a bug. See http://www.openemm.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1446. You can change value 13 to 14 to fix it.
Nope. 14 didn't work either:

Code: Select all

getSubscriberBinding username password customerID mailinglistID mediatype
updateSubscriber username password customerID paramNames paramValues
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
	at org.agnitas.webservice.EmmWebService_ServiceLocator.getEmmWebService(EmmWebService_ServiceLocator.java:65)
	at org.agnitas.webservice.EmmSoapClient.main(EmmSoapClient.java:62)
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 14
	at org.agnitas.webservice.EmmWebServiceBindingStub.<clinit>(EmmWebServiceBindingStub.java:278)
	... 2 more
I needed to change it to 15 before the error stopped.

The Way Out Is Open.
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Post by maschoff »

Hm, strange. Does the method work now?
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Post by lord_alan »


When I changed it to 14 I got the error shown above. So I then changed it to 15 (re-built) and tried again. The script now runs without producing the error.

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Re: Extensions/Integration Questions

Post by Scarlett »

To use targetgroups there has to be a field "tx_teopenemmnewsletter_targetgroups" in the fe_users table. This field should be created when you install the extension. In this field the targetgroup a recipient selected will be stored. Also there must be a field "targetgroups" in the OpenEMM database. How to create customs fields in OpenEMM is described in the OpenEMM documentation. When you synchronize your users the values from the field tx_teopenemmnewsletter_targetgroups in the TYPO3 database will be stored in the field targetgroups in the OpenEMM database. Then you have to create targetgroups in OpenEMM like it is described in the OpenEMM dokumentation. After that you can select a targetgroup when you create a newsletter in TYPO3.
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Re: Extensions/Integration Questions

Post by exec3 »

zum Thema Typo3/OpenEMM

kann mir jemand sagen ob derzeit
typo3 6.2 mit news 3.2.0 und te_openemm_newsletter 1.0.6 am OpenEMM 2015
ohne Probleme einzurichten sind


about Typo3 / OpenEMM

has anyone informations, if
typo3 6.2 mit news 3.2.0 and te_openemm_newsletter 1.0.6 connect to OpenEMM 2015
running without problems?

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